Espositori 2015



Cars are transforming from nearly 100% mechanical devices to nearly 100% electronic devices; this brings a whole new set of interesting features, but it also uncover a huge set of issues ranging from security to safety to privacy concerns.
While you once could completely disassemble your car engine to know how it works and modify it, now you need different tools to "disassemble" the car system.
With the Crunchtrack you can now reverse engineer what's happpening on the CAN bus and then reuse the same hardware to write your own firmware to improve and modify your vehicle.
The board includes a powerful Cortex M4 MCU, GPS, GSM, SD card, CAN bus and a power supply in a compact 4x2cm form factor.


Mastro Gippo

Mastro Gippo è uno sviluppatore hardware e lavora nel settore automotive da 10 anni. Cofondatore dell'hackerspace Crunchlab, insegna elettronica promuovendo il movimento dell'Hardware Open Source

Dati aggiornati il 09/04/2024 - 16.17.20