Espositori 2020

Oskar – mobile braille-keyboard

Oskar – mobile braille-keyboard

Oskar is an open-source, mobile braille-keyboard for the smartphone.
The arrangement of 8 mechanical keys in a braille cell block allows Oskar to be controlled while standing or walking.
Oskar can be mounted on the back of the smartphone or control the smartphone remotely.
With Oskar, smartphone control is fast, accurate and discreet.
Blind and visually impaired people type four times faster with Oskar than on the smartphone touchscreen.
Oskar is an open-source project, you can download the building instructions and build your own device.


Johannes Střelka-Petz

We bridge barriers through participatory design of the human-computer interface keyboard. The core team consists of Erich Schmid and Johannes Střelka-Petz. Erich is a braille expert and teaches at the Institute for the Blind in Vienna. Johannes has been working on various hardware projects since the foundation of the Viennese hackerspace metalab.

Noi superiamo le barriere attraverso la progettazione partecipata della tastiera dell'interfaccia uomo-macchina. Il team principale è composto da Erich Schmid e Johannes Střelka-Petz. Erich è un esperto di braille e insegna all'Istituto per ciechi di Vienna. Johannes lavora a vari progetti hardware sin dalla fondazione dell'hackerspace metalab viennese.

Dati aggiornati il 16/07/2024 - 09.31.02