Espositori 2020

Disposable musical instruments with Micro:Bit

Disposable musical instruments with Micro:Bit

Let’s bring your imagination and creativity altogether to make a set of musical instruments with cardboard, recycled materials and Micro:bit.
We seek to inspire schools, educators and parents to design and create activities for children and young people involving creative and computational thinking.
Get ready to perform with your own musical instruments… How will you name your band?


Daniel Sandoval Villa

Mexican Maker seeking to bring STEAM education to schools and kids with limited access to cutting edge technology and new educational methodologies that integrates the maker movement into education.
Club Maker is a Maker Space located in México that offers workshops in STEAM related subjects like 3D printing, robotics, coding, electronics and more. Bringing maker education to students from several Latin American countries with many achievements in national and international robotic tournaments and science fairs.

Dati aggiornati il 16/07/2024 - 09.25.55