Espositori 2020

Interactive Ornithopters

At once inviting and intimidating, the mechanisms and intricate
designs featured in "resistance" draw the viewer in for a closer look. However, the interactively triggered movement starts
very abruptly, tending to startle the unprepared. Furthermore, the my forms evoke things found
in nature (wings, water, etc) that are typically symbols of freedom and lightness but these are
secured to the built environment, unable to escape. These hybrids - part animal, part machine - are
musings on the consequences of progress, a cyborg possibility. They are assembled from 3D printed,
machined and laser-cut parts so that they appear cold and high-tech, in direct contrast to the organic
forms that they animate. As an early adopter, I embrace the cutting edge by utilizing new media in
all of my work, yet my pieces reveal an ambivalence about how technology will continue to evolve.
Nevertheless optimistic, my work does remind viewers that, though technology has the potential to
be beautiful and produce awe, what we think will free us could also hold us down.

United States

Ryan Buyssens

Ryan Buyssens was born and raised near Detroit, MI; an environment that imparted a rich, lifelong influence from the automotive industry’s mechanized culture. He received his MFA at Cranbrook Academy of Art, is a recipient of the North Carolina Artist Fellowship and has exhibited his work nationally and internationally. Notable exhibitions that his work has been included in are: Kinetica - 2013 at Manifest Gallery, Cincinatti, OH; The 2014 World Maker Faire, New York City; the 2015 3D PrintShow in London, Paris and Dubai; and at the 2018 Currents New Media - Santa Fe, NM. His work can be found in the collections of Fidelity Investments, Ultimaker Corporation and The Orlando Science Center. Ryan is currently an Assistant Professor of Sculpture and Applied Design at the University of Central Florida. As an artist, inventor and maker of kinetic esoterica, he expresses his commentary on logic and progress through the manipulation of various media. Recently, he has been exploiting interactivity of objects and environments in order to create new experiences for participants. Ryan creates his devices with the use of electronic sensors and microcontrollers, computer design, 3D printing, CNC machining, laser-cutting and good-old-fashioned-patience.

Dati aggiornati il 16/07/2024 - 09.25.48