Espositori 2020

From Waste To Wind - Powerful 3D-printable windturbines made from recycled plastics

From Waste To Wind - Powerful 3D-printable windturbines made from recycled plastics

From Waste To Wind is a start-up that builds windturbines from plastic waste. All windturbines are fully open-source and can be built with easy to find parts. Elaborating on the work of Precious Plastics, Scoraig Wind, Otherpower, and many more from the DIY- and maker community, From Waste To Wind doesn’t reinvent the wheel, but adds on known and tested designs.

Our windturbines are designed for off-grid living. This means that they are made for low voltage output en can very easily be used for battery charging but in the near future we want to build a controller that provides grid-connection.

With our windturbines, we reduce the plastic waste problem step by step. Our windturbines are 3D-printed from recycled plastics like PET or bioplastics like PLA. We are also migrating away from rare-earth magnets towards ferrite magnets.

Our 2m windturbine already uses this technology. In this way we reduce the need for poluting mining practices and unhealthy labor conditions.


Bram Peirs

I am passionate about sustainability, science and new technology because of the global challenges we are facing today. I graduated as a Master in Environmental Science in order to contribute to a world that proactively addresses these tensions.

Dati aggiornati il 16/07/2024 - 09.50.14