Espositori 2020

Smart City of Vukovar - Our View of Smart Living

Smart City of Vukovar - Our View of Smart Living

Smart city of Vukovar, Croatia represents a prototype of the real projection (look) of one part of the main road in Vukovar, Croatia leading toward another city in our region as well as the beautiful promenade along the bank of the river of Danube. It demonstrates of what a technological future should look like. By using all the sensors, IoT and high technology electronic boards, we are able to collect the information in real time, which allows us to more efficiently plan and implement utilization of the urban infrastructure as being the foundation of every “Smart city”.
Although, the curriculum of Computer science subject emphasizes that the major focus throughout the teaching process should be based on a problem solving and programming which would enhance developing the specific computer way of thinking and at the same time gives the students a chance of understanding, analytics and problem solving by choosing the appropriate strategies, algorithms, and programming solutions. Someday, all these aspects will be implemented into a real life. So, our decision to offer this kind of the activity to the students just emerged as a necessity by itself. As a result, working on a project with Arduino, we built a model of our hometown Vukovar, Croatia, where we can present some of the ideas about the infrastructure a “Smart city” should have. Our project we named “Our view of smart living”. The model represents the real projection (look) of one part of the main road in Vukovar leading toward another city in our region as well as the beautiful sidewalk along the bank of the river of Danube. The model is powered by Arduino boards and sensors and some of the toys and parts we picked from our homes. This magnificent model offers a solution in a greater electricity saving, better use of a solar Sun power panels, and reducing the traffic jams on the road as well as around the parking lots. In that manner, we created: SMART CITY LIGHTS, SMART PARKING, SMART TRAFFIC LIGHTS, SOLAR SUN TRACKER.


Gymnasium Vukovar, Croatia / Class Freshman (First year of high school)

Davor Sijanovic (mentor)
Sanja Pavlovic Sijanovic (mentor)
Lara Sijanovic (student)
Karlo Zutic (student)
Fran Hutinec (student)
Ema Stankoski Hrgovic (student)

Dati aggiornati il 16/07/2024 - 09.31.02