Espositori 2020

Collaborative robotics at the MERLIN LAB - POLIMI

Collaborative robotics at the MERLIN LAB - POLIMI

At the MERLIN lab of Politecnico di Milano we study methods to make the collaboration intelligent from the point of view of the robot: the robot is equipped with a cognitive vision system, manufactured by our spinoff company Smart Robots, and is able to understand the current actions of the human as well as synchronize at the best possible way with his/her behaviour.

We will show a demo of assembly of a product where this intelligent cooperation is emphasized.


Paolo Rocco and Andrea Maria Zanchettin

Paolo Rocco e Andrea Maria Zanchettin sono docenti al Politecnico di Milano, Dipartimento di Elettronica, Informazione e Bioingegneria. Lavorano nel campo della robotica industriale e collaborativa al laboratorio MERLIN. Sono anche co-fondatori della startup Smart Robots, spinoff del laboratorio.

Dati aggiornati il 16/07/2024 - 09.46.53