Espositori 2020

3 D- printed Ankle-Foot Orthosis : a design method

3 D- printed Ankle-Foot Orthosis : a design method

Additive manufacturing offers several advantages when compared to conventional manufacturing technologies, especially where large scale customization is requested. In this project, a procedure for the design of a fully-customized 3D-printed ankle-foot orthosis (AFO) is described, with reference to a case study regarding a 21-year-old woman with an injured ankle. The first step is the acquisition of the geometrical data from the patient’s foot: this is done using photogrammetry. The second step is the data conversion and import in a CAD modeler; SolidWorks™ is chosen for this purpose. The AFO is modelled parametrically around the foot mesh and optimized in order to resist the predicted mechanical stresses. Finally, the device is 3D-printed on an FDM printer and tested on the patient. An excellent geometrical correspondence between the AFO and the patient’s foot is highlighted: this leads to great comfort and enhances medical functionality. The described procedure can be easily automated, further reducing the lead time and costs of the whole process.


Università degli Studi di Trieste

I graduated in Mechanical Engineering with a Biomechanics curriculum at Politecnico di Milano, where I successively obtained a PhD. I am currently an Associate professor of Mechanical design and Head of the 3D Fab Lab at the University of Trieste. I conducted research activities at NASA JPL-CalTech (USA), University of California at Berkeley (USA), MITI Tsukuba (Japan) and UFRJ (Brazil). My studies mainly target the behavior of complex structure materials, of biological or industrial origin, and have led me to be responsible for national and international research projects and collaborations. I am the author of several U.S. and Italian patents and I have authored over 150 papers. Over the years, I have been developing a project dedicated to improving the clinical identification of fragility fracture risk. This research has won several awards and has led me to co-found a start-up, M2TEST srl., in order to provide doctors with a clinical test of bone architecture quality. To further investigate the subject of drug-induced fragility, since January 2019 I have also been a Senior Visiting Scientist at the CRO National Cancer Institute of Aviano(PN).
Alberto Dal Maso
Maker since he was a child, Alberto Dal Maso studied mechanical engineering at the University of Trieste, where he discovered the world of additive manufacturing. He graduated in 2018 and continued working for various research projects related to 3D printing. Today Alberto collaborates with M2Test, an innovative startup in the healthcare industry.

Dati aggiornati il 16/07/2024 - 07.31.57