Espositori 2020

IGEA, un sistema iDEAle

IGEA, un sistema iDEAle

"IGEA, the iDEAl system" encourages a post-CoVid-19 restart by promoting cross-sector support, business kits and employment opportunities. Conceived by the Foundation start-up incubator, the IGEA project combines eco-sustainability, circular economy, AR and IoT.
However, it is thanks to the intuition of the student Letizia Corrado and to the new skills acquired during a Microbiology course, that the project finds its final definition : a pendant containing sanitizer (produced by the Foundation’ students) that can be attached to clothing, bags, backpacks, to reduce the risk of contamination of the objects and of contracting the infection. The brand IGEA takes inspiration from the well-being Goddess, to becomes your iDEAl protection.
Despite the look down period, students are able to further develop the project into the "IGEA System" and to market to companies: a set of chemical - pharmaceutical procedures that can be applied to other sectors, and a kit of tools: air sanitizers for indoor areas, nanotechnologies for protection, a strong brand and territorial promotion.


Fondazione ITS per le Nuove Tecnologie della Vita

Giorgio Maracchioni, holds a Diploma Laboratory Technician (full marks); Bachelor Degree in Biological Chemistry Laboratory Technician (taking full marks with honors) and Master in Medical Biotechnology. He attended several courses on chemistry, microbiology, security, ICT, telematics. Is an Expert on Good Laboratory Practice (GLP) and Good Manufacturing Practice (GMP), including all aspects of quality assurance and control in the manufacturing process. Teacher and President.

Alessandro Segreto, Daniele Orlovich, Letizia Corrado, Lorenza Carabotta, Luca Matulic
Matteo Croce, students; attending "Higher technician in quality systems of biotechnological products and processes" course at ITS-NTV Foundation in Rome.

Dati aggiornati il 16/07/2024 - 09.57.42