Espositori 2020

FLEHAP: an Energy Harvesting device for IoT

FLEHAP: an Energy Harvesting device for IoT

The FLEHAP device is conceived to power a sensor node for Internet of Things. It transforms the kinetic energy of a fluid in motion in electrical energy.
It is cheap, robust and customizable. Many parts can be printed by a 3D printer.


Università degli Studi di Genova

Corrado Boragno is Associate Professor in Physics at the Physics Dept. of the University of Genova (Italy).
His main research interests are in material science, fluidodynamics and energy harvesting.
From 2016 is CEO of EHLab, spin-off of the University of Genova.

Dati aggiornati il 16/07/2024 - 09.33.52