Espositori 2020

Cognitive robotics for human robot interaction

Cognitive robotics for human robot interaction

The scientific aim of our research is to investigate the sensory, motor and cognitive bases of mutual understanding in human-human interaction, with the technological goal of designing a new generation of adaptive technology, able to adapt and collaborate with people with different needs. These objectives align with those of the ERC StG project wHiSPER (G.A: 804388 - )


Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia

One of the biggest obstacles to a pervasive use of robots supporting and helping humans in their everyday chores relies on the absence of an intuitive communication between robotic devices and non-expert users.
The scientific aim of our research is to investigate the sensory, motor and cognitive bases of mutual understanding in human-human interaction, with the technological goal of designing a new generation of adaptive technology, able to adapt and collaborate with people with different needs. These objectives also align with those of the ERC StG project wHiSPER (G.A: 804388 - )

Dati aggiornati il 16/07/2024 - 09.44.31