Espositori 2016

Study of a responsive surface coating sensitive to temperature changes
Study of a responsive surface coating sensitive to temperature changes

Study of a responsive surface coating sensitive to temperature changes

The development of project theme is based on the study of responsive surfaces, namely an object that submitted at external stresses – for example temperature variance, pression or air speed – is able to react by changing its geometry with different forms suitable for the purpose. Our project provide the architectonic application through the construction of coating surfaces sensitive to temperature variation. With a sensor the shell will change it’s shape, in fact it will open and close depending on the needs of the interior of the building. We started the design with the study of the geometric shape, inspired by the already know pattern Miura. The project concept was also produced virtually with software like Rhinoceros and Grasshopper that have allowed us to simulate the movement of the surface. Finally we have supposed the position of the engine and pulleys for correct and efficient cinematic system carry out by Arduino and some sensor.

Study of a responsive surface coating sensitive to temperature changes

Elisa Stipa, Carlo Scartozzi, Davide Petrini


  D18a (pav. 6)
Dati aggiornati il 13/05/2024 - 11.24.21