Espositori 2016

Hand skate

Abbiamo progettato e realizzato uno skate ibrido (ovvero fra monopattino e skate) che consentirà il movimento non solo tramite i piedi ma anche con le mani azionando avanti e indietro la leva del manubrio. Ricordate i vecchi carrelli ferroviari che andavano avanti con spinta a mano verticale? Ecco stiamo creando una nuova linea di prodotti ecologici ( oggi lo skate domani una "bici") con questo sistema.

Gruppo Invento!

Some works:
• 2004 Development Software for data recovery cell phone in case of loss.
• 2006 Hypobaric Filter for the treatment of cancerogenous substances,sold to Tobacco Company.
• 2007 Software for Safer internet navigation for young people (Junior Explorer): In collaboration with Linebanking Srl, Winning project for € 1,7 million - law 488
2008-2009 • PiezoMobilePhone Project in collaboration with IPECC – Italian Piezoelectric & Ceramic Company and ISTEC-CNR (Institute of Science and Technology of Ceramic).
Finalists in the competition Mind the Bridge.
• 2010 Development and study with the IPEEC srl and the Politecnico di Milano for a greenbattery Piezoelectric sensors to transmit signals to rail.
• 2011 Second prize in the Liteon Awards Asia with the project TBOX. A turbine that uses the air currents created by the passage of trains. (In collaboration with designer QIAN JIANG)
• 2012-2013 Study of a bulb Laser named Laila in collaboration with Prof.Eugenio Fazio Sapienza University in Rome
• 2014-2015 Promoter and creator of the project Kindie (Educational and Activity Park) promoted by the ItaliaCamp as one of eight ideas on Social Innovation
• 2015 Pathways (work in progress)
2016 Hand skate

  A18 (pav. 5)
Dati aggiornati il 16/07/2024 - 08.17.57