Espositori 2018

A tactile exeperience: Raffaello, Correggio Caravaggio. Following Francesco Scannelli
A tactile exeperience: Raffaello, Correggio Caravaggio. Following Francesco Scannelli

A tactile exeperience: Raffaello, Correggio Caravaggio. Following Francesco Scannelli

The research project aims at setting up an experimental exhibition for the display of four painting masterpieces’ reproductions in tactile format, already produced by Mediars in Los Angeles thanks to a MIUR grant in 2015 AND WITH THE COLLABORATION OF Univer-sity of Rome “Tor Vergata.”. The project indeed to focus on the development of the reproduc-ibility of artifacts and on reproducibility new technological resources in view of a larger ac-cessibility and fruition of the artistic heritage.
The masterpieces have been selected following the description of Francesco Scannelli’s voyage to Rome.

A tactile exeperience: Raffaello, Correggio Caravaggio. Following Francesco Scannelli

Carmelo Occhipinti, Federica Bertini, Alessandro Marianantoni

Carmelo Occhipinti.
Associate professor in “Storia della critica d’arte”. Born in Ragusa, Italy on 5th October 1974, stu-dent of the regular course (since academic year 1993/1994) and post-graduate course (since 1997/1998) at the Scuola Normale Superiore, he was awarded his research doctorate in 1999/2000 after presenting and discussing his thesis 'Carteggio d’arte degli ambasciatori estensi in Francia (1536-1553)' (his supervisor was Paola Barocchi), published in the Edizioni della Normale (2001), which was awarded the 'Gilberto Bernardini' prize (2002). Having earned a scholarship with the Paris Institut National d'Histoire de l'Art (2001), he returned to the Scuola Normale as research fel-low (2001/2002), contractor (2003), post Ph.D. grant recipient (2003/2005) and researcher. Since the academic year 2008/2009, he has worked at the University of Rome 'Tor Vergata’.
His publications include not only the previously mentioned 'Carteggio degli ambasciatori estensi' but also the volumes 'Il disegno in Francia nella letteratura artistica del Cinquecento', Florence-Paris 2003, 'Pirro Ligorio e la storia cristiana di Roma (da Costantino all’Umanesimo)', Pisa 2007, and, currently being prepared 'Ligorio e la Villa d’Este a Tivoli'. His articles, published in specialist journals since 1997, examine the artistic relations between France and Italy in the 16th century, the Este patronage, the literary fortune of works of art, and the litterary sources of Leon Battista Alberti and Pirro Ligorio. He has dealt with a computer-based archiving of the works of Pirro Ligorio (available on the Normale website and currently being developed: and an electronic edition of materials for the history of the 'Collezionismo estense (dal XVI al XVIII secolo)' (currently being developed on the Florence As-sociazione Memofonte website: He has organised and managed the in-ternational congresses 'Pirro Ligorio and the history' (Pisa, Scuola Normale Superiore, 27th-28th September 2007) and 'Primaticcio and the arts at the Court of France' (Pisa, Scuola Normale Supe-riore, 10th-11th October 2008).
Since the academic year 2008/2009, he has taught 'Museology and history of collectionism' at the faculty of literature and philosophy of the University of Rome 'Tor Vergata'.

Federica Bertini
Federica Bertini, born in Tivoli on 12th May 1987, teacher, graduated from the University of Rome "Tor Vergata" (2010/11) where she currently collaborates in research, scientific publications and management of research projects with Carmelo Occhipinti at the Faculty of Literature and Philoso-phy. She obtained a PHD “Memory and matter of works of art” at the University of Viterbo “La Tuscia”, in 2017, and a college scholarship in art and technology at the University of “Tor Vergata” to search on the themes of new technologies for art (including tactile pictures, 3D reality and inno-vative exhibitions). With a master in the field of cultural marketing, has dedicated herself to the is-sues of promotion of Italian artistic and cultural historical heritage, with attention to local realities and new technologies. He has participated in programs for startups and international mobility, also has worked for the Maltese Ministry of Tourism. She has organised and managed, with Carmelo Occhipinti, the exhibition “Raffaello, Correggio, Caravaggio: un’esperienza tattile”, and national congresses: L’Arte incontra la Tecnologia, 27 aprile 2017, Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”; Nuove frontiere della fruizione, tra tecnologia e ricerca storico-artistica. Riflessioni sulla mostra “Raffaello, Correggio, Caravaggio: un’esperienza tattile”, 15 febbraio 2017, Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”; La tattilità e l’Arte: il quadro tattile. 18 dicembre 2016, Università di Roma “Tor Vergata”.

Alessandro Marianantoni
Designer, Instructor, and Entrepreneur for Innovative Experiences.
Alessandro Marianantoni is principal at MEDIARS LLC a company based in Los Angeles, he works internationally on artistic, cultural and entertainment based projects with an emphasis on new media and technological innovation.
He has produced and presented interactive installations in the U.S. and Europe, receiving public and private sponsorship.
Alessandro earned a degree in Computer Science from the University of L’Aquila, with a thesis on perceptual interfaces at the USC Integrated Media System Center. He then worked for several years as a researcher at the UCLA REMAP center at the School of Theater, Film and Television where he was able to expand his research in various areas of interest: Technology, Culture, the Environment and the Arts, with a unique, multi-disciplinary approach.
In 2016 Alessandro funded in Los Angeles M Accelerator, a new concept idea and business accel-eration program for young international creatives and funders.

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