Espositori 2018

Measuring the sound of hearing

Measuring the sound of hearing

Otoacoustic emissions (OAEs) are acoustic signals generated in the cochlea as a by-product of the active nonlinear amplifier localized in the outer hair cells (OHCs), and recorded in the ear canal, as an evoked response to acoustic stimuli, which provide a sensitive diagnostic tool of the hearing function. Our project aims at measuring OAEs with a new technique, involving simultaneous measurements of acoustic pressure and velocity. The new technique allows one to calibrate the acoustic stimuli independently of the ear canal geometry and of the middle ear transmission

Measuring the sound of hearing

Arturo Moleti, Renata Sisto, Luigi Cerini, Filippo Sanjust

Curriculum Vitae of Arturo Moleti
Born in Rome (Italy) 14/11/1961, Arturo Moleti, PhD, is currently Researcher at the Physics Dept. of the University of Roma "Tor Vergata". His research activity is dedicated to the experimental and theoretical physics of the auditory system.
Main Collaborations:
National: R. Sisto, INAIL Research, Monte Porzio Catone (Italy), A. Magrini, Occupational Medicine Dept., University of Roma Tor Vergata (Italy), G. Tognola, CNR, Milano (Italy);
International: C.A. Shera, Harvard, MA (USA), T. Trnovec, Bratislava (Slovakia), S. Dhar, Evanston IL (USA), A. Altoè, Helsinki (Finland).
Author of over 130 papers, published on peer-reviewed international journals (approx. 100, among them 29 JASA, 1 JARO, 2 Hear. Res., 3 Rev. Sci. Instr., 3 Phys. Rev. Lett, 8 Phys. Rev. D, 3 Phys. Lett. B, 19 Class. Quantum Gravity), as book chapters (2), and on the proceedings of international conferences.
Reviewer of JASA, JARO, Hearing Research, IJA, ORL and FPL.
Coordination of Research Projects:
1) PI of Collaboration Italy-Slovakia 2009-2012 funded by Ministry of Foreign Affairs on effects on hearing of exposure to PCBs.
2) PI of Collaboration Italy-Japan 2013-2015 funded by Ministry of Foreign Affairs on hearing diagnostics using DPOAEs.
3) PI of BRiC 2016 research project funded by INAIL.
4) PI of Acoustic Diagnostics project funded by ASI.
4) PI of the research project “Uncovering excellence 2014” of the University of Roma "Tor Vergata", on the use of advanced OAE tests in occupational medicine.
Coordination of local research units:
1) Head of the Research Unit of the Phys Dept. of the University of Roma "Tor Vergata", within a project on the early detection of hearing loss using OAEs, Progetto Finalizzato Ministero della Salute 2000.
2) Head of the Research Unit of the Phys Dept. of the University of Roma "Tor Vergata", within a PRIN 2000 project on the data analysis of resonant gravitational detectors.
3) Head of the Research Unit of the Phys Dept. of the University of Roma "Tor Vergata", within a project on the development of an objective diagnostic technique of hearing based on OAEs, Progetto Finalizzato Ministero della Salute 2009.

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Dati aggiornati il 13/05/2024 - 11.24.21