Espositori 2018

A 3D Museum of Cultural Heritage
A 3D Museum of Cultural Heritage

A 3D Museum of Cultural Heritage

We have developed a teaching methodology in photogrammetry through Institutional Assets and Monuments (, in alliance with The Arc/k Project (, a nonprofit organization specialized in digitally preserve cultural heritage.
Over 50 trained volunteers in a half dozen Venezuelan cities are actively photographing objects of cultural significance every day.
We have been generating 5-10 full 2-D and 3-D archives per week. Over 200 objects and structures from the 5 participating cultural institutions, and now the 50+ volunteers, is slowly becoming a massive 3D library.
We have produced 3D models of artworks at the University City of Caracas, world heritage by Unesco. This campus is considered a 'Masterpiece 'of architecture and urban planning, because of the integration of arts and architecture on a grand scale.
We are now working on the production of a 3D Museum of Cultural Heritage with the 3D archives produced.
United States

A 3D Museum of Cultural Heritage

Institutional Assets And Monuments and The Arc/k Project

Ana Maria Carrano. Journalist passionate about innovation and cultural heritage. J. S. Knight Fellow 2014 at Stanford University. Executive manager of the Institutional Assets and Monuments (, an organization based in Miami created to protect cultural heritage through journalism and educational programs. In the last three years, she has led a team of journalists, historians, museologists and photographers to document and build a digital archive of more than 500 Venezuelan historic sites, monuments and work of arts.

  C11 (pav. 4)
Dati aggiornati il 16/07/2024 - 06.26.08