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MakeITcircular 2024 – Regulations

ART. 1 | Premise

1.1 These Regulations govern the Contest entitled “MakeITcircular” (hereinafter, also the “Contest“) promoted by Innova Camera – Special Company of the Chamber of Commerce of Rome and by the consumer associations of the National Council of Consumers and Users (CNCU) promoting the Circular Consumer Card [1] (hereinafter, also the “Promoters“) as part of the “Maker Faire Rome 2024” event that from 25th to 27th October 2024 will be held live in Rome and digitally on the dedicated website (hereinafter, also the “Event“) with the aim of rewarding the best circular economy projects participating in the Event, as better described in art. 2.

ART. 2 | Indication of the Contest and purpose

2.1 The Contest stems from the desire of the Promoters to reward projects and initiatives that capture and promote the principles of the Circular Consumer Charter (hereinafter, also the “Charter“) and that encourage its dissemination. In particular, the projects should promote:

  • the dissemination of reliable and comprehensible information on the environmental impacts of the products and the industrial processes that generate them;
  • knowledge of the concepts of “circularity” and “environmental footprint of products/services”;
  • overcoming the “disposable” approach to consumption and production, promoting new values but also recovering those from the tradition of the past of durability, sharing, repair and preservation of use, reuse and recycling of products and material resources;
  • the involvement of consumers in the co-creation of the “circularity” features of the products, which depends on all phases of their life cycle and on the behaviours adopted by consumers in the use and post-consumption phase.

In particular, the Contest aims to promote the maximum dissemination of the Circular Consumer Charter and its principles to accelerate the transition to the new “circular” model, which will be accomplished through the involvement of communities and individual citizens, especially considered in their role as consumers and users.

2.2 The Prize and the special mentions will be assigned at the sole discretion of the Evaluation Board specifically constituted by the Promoters and better described in the following art. 4 (hereinafter, the “Evaluation Board,”) during one of the conferences organised as part of the Event.

2.3 In order to promote the results of the Contest and to enhance the project proposals received, the Promoters may create collaboration agreements with other Technical Partners interested in the Contest (hereinafter, also the “Partners“) that can offer support services to the project proposals received.

ART. 3 | Participation in the Contest and award

3.1 Participation in the Contest is free and is addressed not only to the maker community, but to all natural persons of legal age, whether Italian or foreign, companies, entities, associations, foundations, and/or other legal entities, with residence or headquarters in Italy (hereinafter also the “Participants” or the “Participant“) except for:

  • entities, associations and other legal entities to which the members of the Evaluation Board belong, the directors in office of the Promoters, their relatives and relatives and similar up to the second degree as well as their cohabitants.
  • employees of the Promoters or their relatives and similar up to the second degree or cohabitants, as well as relatives and similar up to the second degree or cohabitants of members of the Evaluation Board, including the Chairman.

It is the responsibility of the Participant to report the absence of this conflict situation through a specific self-certification, failing which the Participant will be excluded from the Contest.

3.2 To participate in the Contest, Participants must submit the application, no later than 3rd October 2024, (at 12.00 p.m.) through the appropriate link available on the Maker Faire Rome website. Projects participating in the “Call for Makers” of the Event are eligible to participate.

3.3 After the closing date of the contest, the curators of the “Circular Economy” area of the Event will make a first preselection up to a maximum of 10 (ten) finalist projects to be submitted to the Evaluation Board.

3.4 Participants pre-selected as “finalists” will have to express their willingness to obtain the prize, which implies full acceptance of these Regulations. To that end, they shall submit to the organisational secretariat the forms certifying the possession of the requirements and the declarations provided for by these Regulations, of which they declare as of now to know the contents and to accept them. In the event that the Promoters do not receive the aforementioned documentation within three (3) days of the request, the award procedure cannot be completed and the Promoters will be free to continue with the Contest procedures, preselecting another project if necessary.

3.5 The Evaluation Board, after having examined each finalist project, will then proceed to the voting operations and, upon the outcome of the vote, will decree the winning project and the projects mentioned as described in Article 5 below. Any details on how to announce the winners, date and time of the same, (including the possibility of holding a dedicated awards event in physical presence or online) will be communicated directly to the finalists.

ART. 4 | Evaluation Board, evaluation criteria

4.1 The Evaluation Board will be composed of at least three (3) members identified by the Promoters, and, among these, the person who will perform the functions of President will be indicated.

4.2 By 18th October 2024, the Evaluation Board will meet and decree the name of the Participant awarded the prize and will indicate the Participants who will be mentioned as considered most representative of the purposes referred to in Art. 2.

4.3 The Evaluation Board will evaluate each project proposal and will express its unquestionable opinion on the basis of the following criteria (each evaluable with a score of a minimum of 1 to a maximum of 10):

  1. impact of the ‘‘circular’’ model and relevance to the principles of the Charter;
  2. degree of innovation of the project proposal;
  3. degree of project development and technical feasibility;

4.4 In the event of a tie between several project proposals, the Chairman’s vote will prevail.

4.5 There is no compensation for the members of the Evaluation Board, including the Chairman.

ART. 5 | Premium and method of disbursement

5.1 The award of the contest will result in the award to the winner of a prize, equal to Euro 3,000.00 (three thousand/00) net of charges. Two honourable mentions will also be assigned, equal to Euro 1,000.00 (one thousand/00) net of charges. Additional honorary mentions will be awarded directly by one or more Consumer Associations of the National Council of Consumers and Users, at their request.

5.2 Promoters reserve the right not to award the Prize in the event that the Applications received fail to – at the sole discretion of the Evaluation Board – attain the objectives and purposes of the Contest. In addition, the award of the Prize and its disbursement are subject to the positive verification, by the Promoters, of the identification data of the winning Participant. To this end, the latter must produce, within the times indicated by the Promoters:

  • a copy of a valid identity document with a clearly visible photo,
  • tax code,
  • address,
  • email address,
  • bank details on which to make the payment of the premium.

5.3 Resources allocated to the awarding of the prize will be made available by the Promoters of the Event.

5.4 The awarding of prizes to the authors of the chosen works has the value of mere recognition of personal merit.

ART. 6 | Intellectual property

6.1 The Promoters acknowledge and guarantee that the knowledge and know-how for the conception and design of the works are the exclusive property of the creators of the projects, who remain the owners of the copyrights. The Participants, in fact, are and will remain the owners of all intellectual property rights, property and/or image on their works.

6.2 In particular, by participating in the Contest, each Participant expressly declares that their Project Proposal:

  • is original and does not violate in any way, either in whole or in part, the intellectual or industrial property rights of third parties, releasing the Promoters from any and all responsibility, liability, claim for damages and/or compensation that may be advanced by any third party in this regard;
  • does not violate other rights of third parties, including, inter alia, patents, industrial secrets, rights deriving from contracts or licenses, advertising rights or rights relating to privacy, moral rights or any other right worthy of protection.

6.3 Participants grant the Promoters and their Partners/Sponsors the right to use the submitted project proposal for communication purposes, through any available means (for example: institutional website, company intranet, social channels), without this implying any notice or recognition of any right to the authors of the project, if not their citation as such.

ART. 7 | Miscellaneous

7.1 TThese Regulations are drawn up in Italian and English. In case of discrepancy between the two versions, the Italian one will prevail.

7.2 The Contest in question is not subject to the provisions of Presidential Decree 430/2001 relating to the rules for competitions and prize operations pursuant to the provisions of art. 6 of the same.

7.3 The legal conditions for applying the rules of a public auction are not met. Everything concerning the organisation of the Event, the selection of Participants, the awarding of prizes and, in general, the performance of the Contest, is to be understood as confidential information of exclusive ownership of the Promoters. Therefore, no further information will be provided, nor may it be disclosed without the prior authorisation of the Promoters, in addition to that advertised during the Event, nor is it permitted to exhibit acts that remain for all internal purposes (therefore, by way of example, the members of the Board and/or the Promoters will not be required to communicate to anyone the scores obtained by the Participants during the voting, nor the ranking of the non-winning Participants).

7.4 The Promoters reserve the right to cancel, modify or suspend, in whole or in part and at any time, the Contest, as well as any of its contents. In the event of cancellation of the Contest for any reason, the Promoters will promptly notify via the “Maker Faire Rome” website. Each Participant hereby waives any right to compensation for damages – including living costs incurred for the activity carried out in the preparation of the Project Proposal and any travel and accommodation expenses, etc. – connected with the cancellation of the Contest, regardless of the causes or reasons that will have determined it.

7.5 The Promoters reserve the right, in their sole and unquestionable discretion, to exclude from the Contest any Participant who:

  • acts in violation of these Regulations and, for participants in the Call for Maker of the Event, of the Call for Maker’s regulations;
  • behaves inappropriately and/or contrary to the interest of a peaceful and correct conduct of the Contest.

7.6 Each Participant shall indemnify and hold harmless the Promoters from any damage, injury, loss, cost, expense (including legal), a penalty that the same may incur as a result of the participation itself.

7.7 The Participant, with the submission of the application, authorises the Promoters to disseminate on their websites their own image as well as the photos and materials related to the project.

7.8 It is understood that the winning Participant, expressing his/her will to obtain the prize, fully accepts the content of these Regulations.

Art. 8 | Processing of personal data

8.1 Participants’ data for participation in the Contest and related activities (e.g., communication to winners, awarding and delivery of prizes, etc.) will be processed by the Promoters as independent data controllers in accordance with current legislation.
Information on the processing of personal data pursuant to art. 13 of EU Reg. EU 2016/679 (General Regulation on the protection of personal data, hereinafter also “GDPR”), is made by Innova Camera, as data controller. Innova Camera has appointed a Data Protection Officer who can be contacted at

8.2 Innova Camera will process the data that the Participants have provided for the specific Call and will communicate them to the Promoters and Partners for the activities strictly related to the performance of the Contest (e.g., awarding the prize; receiving communications relating to the organisation and participation in the Contest). The processing of such data is based on the execution of the contract.
The personal data collected (the “Data”) will consist in particular of:

  • personal, identification and contact details (e.g., name, surname, e-mail, telephone number, image);
  • other data entered in the application form.

The email addresses collected may also be used in the future by the Data Controller to inform data subjects about other similar initiatives that always fall within the scope of the institutional purposes of Innova Camera.

8.3 The personal data collected will be processed for the time strictly necessary for the pursuit of the purposes described and in accordance with legal obligations (participation in the competition, implementation of the winning project and award of the prize). The data will be deleted after five years from the announcement of the winner of the competition, without prejudice to any legal obligations that require further storage. The name and email address entered in the participation form will be kept and used only for the purpose of sending institutional communications by Innova Camera, until the interested parties’ cancellation request.

8.4 The data collected may be processed directly by the Data Controller or by suppliers appointed as Data Processors and may be stored in computer archives or using cloud platforms with servers located in the European area.

8.5 The data relating to the proposals submitted by the Participants (name of the participant, description and content of the project proposal, etc.) may be disclosed and disseminated on the website of the Event and/or press releases. In this case they will be kept without time limits.

8.6 As a Data Subject, when the conditions are met, the Contestant may at any time exercise the rights referred to in Articles 15 ss of the GDPR, which include the right of access, rectification, deletion, limitation of processing, opposition, portability.

The aforementioned rights may be exercised by sending an email to .

If the relevant conditions are met, the interested parties also have the right to lodge a complaint with the Italian Data Protection Authority, the supervisory authority according to the procedures in force.

8.7 The provision of Data for the pursuit of the purposes set out in this policy is optional: that is, there is no legal obligation to provide data; however, since their processing is necessary to allow participation in the Contest, failure to communicate the data will make it impossible for the interested party to participate.

ART. 9 | Applicable law and jurisdiction

9.1 These Regulations are subject to Italian law.

9.2 For any and all disputes concerning the interpretation or validity or execution of the same, the Court of Rome shall have exclusive jurisdiction.


[1] The consumer associations ACU, Adoc, Adusbef, Adiconsum, Altroconsum, Assoconsum, Assoutenti, Casa Del Consumatore, Cittadinanzattiva, Codacons, CODICI, Confconsumatori, Federconsumatori, Lega Consumatori, Movimento Consumatori, Movimento Difesa Del Cittadino, Udicon, Unione Nazionale Consumatori, in collaboration with the Scuola Superiore Sant’Anna di Pisa, have drawn up the Charter of Circular Consumption, to promote the transition from the culture of waste to the culture of recycling and reuse.

Last update 26th June 2024

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