Espositori 2017

Fabricademy: a new textile academy

Fabricademy: a new textile academy

Fabricademy e' un percorso transdisciplinare incentrato sullo sviluppo di nuove tecnologie applicate all'industria tessile, in tutte le sue applicazioni dalla moda ai dispositivi wearable. L'industria della moda e' una delle piu' tradizionali e la seconda piu' inquinante al mondo dopo il petrolio. Circa il 20% dell'inquinamento delle acque e' causata da processi tessili e i consumatori hanno speso 1.7 trilioni di dollari nel 2014 per acquistare abbigliamento. La produzione dei capi che acquistiamo ogni giorno causa conseguenze devastanti in paesi come il Bangladesh e la Cina, dove lo sfruttamento dei lavoratori permette i prezzi vantaggiosi che ci attraggono verso brand come H&M e Zara e altri produttori di fast-fashion. L'industria tessile deve iniziare ad esplorare e implementare nuovi sistemi produttivi piu' sostenibili e equi. Il nostro progetto si concentra proprio sulle pratiche meno etiche e non sostenibili per l'ambiente attualmente in uso nell'industria, unendo la conoscenza tradizionale con l'artigiano del futuro, capace di portare innovazione nel design, nelle tecniche di prototipazione e produzione, in questa industria poco avvezza al cambiamento.

Fabricademy: a new textile academy

Fabricademy, coordinated by Anastasia Pistofidou, Cecilia Raspanti and Fiore Basile

Anastasia Pistofidou - FabTextiles / Fab Lab BCN

Anastasia is a Greek architect specialized in digital fabrication technologies, design and education. She has a Master degree from the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia 2010-2011 with a specialization in Digital tectonics and a Bachelor Degree from the Aristotle University of Thessaloniki, department of Architecture in 2008. She currently works at the Institute for Advanced Architecture of Catalonia (IAAC) Fab Lab Barcelona as the director and founder of the FabTextiles research lab. She combines the analog and the digital towards applied research focused on new materials, art and textiles.

Cecilia Raspanti - TextileLab Amsterdam / Waag Society

Cecilia is a fashion/textile designer and digital fabrication expert. She studied fashion design and knitwear at Polimoda Fashion Institute in Florence, Italy. Currently based in Amsterdam, she is the co-founder of the TextileLab Amsterdam and co-initiator of the educational program TextileAcademy at Waag Society. Here she leads the creative research and technological development of new concepts and alternatives for the textile and clothing industry, which is at the moment part of the TCBL project. Experienced in fashion, knitwear and textiles, she focuses on translating traditional craftsmanship techniques and small production processes into digital fabrication opportunities to facilitate the access of these technologies for a broader public. Always inspired by human’s connection to nature and technology, her latest work involves research towards more sustainable solutions for dyeing in the textile and clothing industry.

Fiore Basile - fabctory

Fiore has been coding computers, and soon moved to early network hosting a BBS in his room in the late 80s, getting a Computer Science degree, founding two IT startups, managing EU IST research projects, building web and mobile apps and consulting to companies. In his late thirties he realized that software alone cannot make a real impact in the world, and he started to get involved in the local Fab Lab movement first, then joining the Fab Academy and opening a public access Fab Lab in his town, Cascina, Italy. He is currently running a network of digital fabrication labs all over Tuscany, connecting projects and infrastructure for a future of distributed manufacturing and education, and is lead manager of infrastructure for different educational programs in the Fab Lab network such as Fab Academy and Bio Academy.

  C8 (pav. 8)
Dati aggiornati il 13/05/2024 - 11.24.21