Maker Faire Rome ha sempre la capacità di stupire: creatività, tecnologia, innovazione e il prezioso contatto con persone curiose e avide di conoscere e toccare con mano nuovi prodotti e soluzioni.
Day: October 5, 2021
October 5, 2021
Thermostats, household appliances, production plants, cars, all objects that are at the heart of our daily lives, these are the protagonists of the Internet of Things, or IoT. These are […]IoT, now things talk: 5 projects for Maker Fa...
October 5, 2021
From the platform that monitors vineyards to purification using native microalgae, 5 projects focusing on sustainability will be featured at MFR2021. Acuadori Acuadori is a platform for monitor...Sustainability: the platform that monitors th...