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Aula Magna - Sapienza Università di Roma

Life With The Machines – MFR15

In the evocative location of Sapienza – University of Rome, a place of training and learning par excellence, an exceptional parterre shines the spotlight on hundreds of projects from all over the world, projecting an enlarged look at the future that awaits us and how we are building it.


Massimo Banzi, Cesare Cacitti, Valeria Cagnina, Caterina Caselli, Roberto Cingolani, Maurizio Costabeber, Carlo De Benedetti, Dale Dougherty, Eugenio Gaudio, Marta Leonori, Riccardo Luna, Dario Pagani, Carlotta Ventura, Josh Walden, Lorenzo Tagliavanti, Nicola Zingaretti.