Among the aims of Maker Faire Rome, certainly telling about innovation and promoting the diffusion of digital culture is the most important.
In this sense, training plays a key role, which is why thanks also to the active collaboration of our partners, we are able to organize training opportunities also throughout the year, not limiting ourselves to the canonical three days of face-to-face events.
In particular, over the last few years, individual events with internationally renowned speakers have been joined by some content-rich initiatives which are then available to anyone thanks to our YouTube channel:
- Maker Learn: a mini site that brings together a selection of interesting training opportunities that range over the various topics of innovation. Other contents are also co-produced directly by Maker Faire Rome. The contents are all free.
- Maker Learn Festival: several days of e-learning on the main innovation topics with dozens of webinars, talks and workshops
- Maker Faire Academy: a cycle of free in-depth training events in presence dedicated to students, innovators, startuppers, companies and aspiring entrepreneurs, to develop technological skills in the field of Enterprise 4.0 and stimulate the creativity and propensity for self-entrepreneurship of the participants.