Exhibitors 2021

Maker Faire Rome 2021: discover our makers, exhibitors and all the selected projects!

Discover here all the exhibitors of the 2021edition of Maker Faire Rome - The European Edition


The first eco-boat built by students with recycled materials to sail the Adriatica Sea in a non-competitive and crazy race.

  J.2.09 (pav. J)

4 APM -Isis Valdarno polo professionale Moda Industria e artigianato per il Made In Italy

The project aims to propose a capsule collection entirely made with Bio-Based fiber or Secon Life yarns.


La Bottega delle Idee - May

"The Game of Sevens" is a competition between two players who take it in turns to bring their pawns, with the help of a cart, from the starting position to where their opponent is.

  J.T.21 (pav. J)

Donato Politan, Irene Ventura, Ludovica Bigozzi, Roberto Ceccaroni.

"lombriCOMPOSTiera", the new community composter that is sustainable, biomimetic, educational and tecnological, that produces high quality compost.

Alessandro Giacomel di Officine Robotiche

An autonomous painter robot that creates watercolor paintings made at home with easily available or 3D printed material

  E.16 (pav. E)

Stephanie Dinkins

WhenWordsFail is a WebXR experience that creates space for the nonverbal expression of feelings bubbling just below the surface.


Michelangelo Maugeri - IT Archimede di Catania

The project allows you to recycle polymeric materials, saves on the cost of reels, producing the filament for 3D printers.


Large 3D prints. Materials and technologies that can lead to 1: 1 scale replicas for cinema and manufacturing.

  E.07 (pav. E)

Fabio Defabis, Giovanni Pirozzi

The 68k-MBC is an easy to build 68008 CPU SBC, using only easy to find TH parts.

Alessandra Di Giacomo

The proposed project involves visitors in the creation of a multifunctional promotional gadget

  D.05 (pav. D)

NABA, Nuova Accademia di Belle Arti

Selection of projects made by NABA Design Area students, along with vintage videogames made by high-school students within academic workshops.

  D.08 (pav. D)

Paolo Ginefra, Antonio Manuel Marulli, Alice Grossi, Giorgia Mira, Claudio Capurso, Fabrizio Di Carlo

A.R.A.C.H.N.E. is able to probe the soil, mapping and weeding the weeds to reuse them for soil mulching.

ITS Nuove Tecnologie per il Made in Italy - MITS Malignani, Udine - Arredo navale e nautico

Abitacolo 4.0: a minimal, multifunctional and customizable space that welcomes the needs and emotions of its temporary inhabitants

  J.2.20 (pav. J)

Comune di Monteverde con I.Ri.Fo.R. (Formazione, ricerca e riabilitazione per la disabilit) e U.I.C.I. (Unione Italiana Ciechi e Ipovedenti).

Il sistema AbleUpp connette un bastone smart a un percorso tattile-plantare-vocale che guida le persone non vedenti e d informazioni.


Hiba Ali

A conversation with Amazons customer-obsessed mascot, Peccy about working-class labour, surveillance and bubbles.

  H.04 (pav. H)

ACEA is one of the leading Italian multiutility operators. Listed on the Italian Stock Exchange since 1999, the company manages and develops water and electr …
  B.15 (pav. B)

Massimo Barbaro, Silvia Loddo, Paolo Meloni, Marco Tanca, Riccardo Carboni, Francesco Marcato, Augusto Mura, Roberto Ruda

ACUADORI is an easy-to-use platform for water monitoring of vineyards based on novel wireless biosensors with no impact on farming activities.

Elio Matteo Curcio, Francesco Lago, Stefano Rodin, Diego Mazzei

ADIUTOR is a robotic device for upper limb rehabilitation, designed for assisted rehabilitation directly at home.


Research Center "E. Piaggio"

Robot next gen: anthropomorphic arms and quadrupeds for manipulating and exploring the real world.

  B.09 (pav. B)

Fulvio Airaghi

A simple slider which aim is to create a low-price and high performance equipment, booth for professionals and simple lovers.

  I.07 (pav. I)

AgriDatalog is an innovative start-up and academic spinoff that brings together : Agronimists, Researchers and Professors of the Faculty of Agriculture of th …
  E.09 (pav. E)

La classe 4Bi a.s. 2020/2021 dellIndirizzo Informatica e Telecomunicazione dell'IISS "E. Majorana" di Martina Franca (Ta), coordinata dal prof. Stefano Ignazzi

Monitor situations of violation of the distance between people, of the number in contingent environments, of the use of the mask, of the positioning during shows.


Fablab Algeri Marino

Artificial intelligence system for the predictive maintenance of an engine based on a card Arduino and Tensorflow.

Alessandro Nuara, CTO

Adcube optimizes marketers campaigns across several advertising channels on one Platform. Its Machine Learning algorithms support marketers in making decisions and automatize tasks that impact on their business, like budget and targeting optimization.

  B.25 (pav. B)


AICUBE X MAKE TO CARE AICUBE vuole aumentare il livello di prevenzione secondaria su malattie non trasmissibili come il diabete di Tipo II.


Mirella Tissi, Roman Manole, Lorenzo Aquilani, Lorenzo Rapiti, Alessandro Carofano, Riccardo Tranfa, Carrus Noemi, ITT "Da Vinci" Viterbo

airport automatic pilot device to carry luggage and passengers from entrance to the check-in desk.

Alan advantage is a consulting firm very active in the world of innovative startups, both as a business angel and as a startup studio to offer its customers …
  C.14 (pav. C)

Alert Genius Srl

The Alert Genius company, proposes an innovation in the Anti-Intrusion systems domain allowing to maintain an Alarm System always active even with subjects moving in the monitored area.

  F.07 (pav. F)

Antonino ida

Algaria is a start-up that works in the direction of producing in circular mode, and exploit microalgae such as a sustainable ingredient

  J.S.18 (pav. J)

Team di studenti delle classi 4C, 4B IIS Einstein-Bachelet, Roma . PCTO con tutoring "Officine Robotiche", Roma

The system assists the user in the process of collinear alignment between two points in space. Specifically, it provides the current angles relative to the Azimuth, Elevation and Polarization of the illuminator (in the case of linear polarization signals).

  J.2.13 (pav. J)

Alma Mater Studiorum - Universit di Bologna

A space where knowledge blends, cultivating competences that help develop new entrepreneurial ideas: AlmaLabor is a Maker Space a prototyping laboratory for creating prototypes for your business idea, as well as a Co-working and training space.


My new toilet seat for the disabled was created to give life to an inclusive and innovative project, it does not exist on the market.

  J.1.02 (pav. J)



Three automatic musicians - bassist, drummer, glockenspiel players - will play with other automatic musical instruments and one "human" musician.

  I.01 (pav. I)

Giacomo Cesari

Flying Drone with dangerous gases and particulate sensors for altitude analysis

  J.2.03 (pav. J)

Team DigiLAB Volta - I.I.S. Alessandro Volta Frosinone

The Android called 'Brother', with autonomous decision-making abilities and interaction with the outside world based on event recognition through the use of Artificial Intelligence techniques. Brother is able to recognize the Italian sign language LIS by translating it into audio and Braille.

Gianpaolo Greco, Andrea Novati, Carlo Cavaliere

We use neural networks to identify plastic for far distance using drones

  J.2.02 (pav. J)

Francesca Fiore

ApeLab is a mobile FabLab, an itinerant experimental laboratory for social innovation at the service of the local community. All set up on an Ape Car..pink!

Apphia s.r.l. is an Italian Engineering company specialized in Research and Development of innovative solutions for complexes systems in the field of aerospa …
  E.12 (pav. E)

Maurizio Calvitti; Riccardo Moretti; Elena Lampazzi; Giulia Fabbri; Giulia Lombardi

The state of the art in up-scaling an innovative method to hinder the spread of the Asian Tiger Mosquito

  J.S.19 (pav. J)

Michelangelo Nigro , Monica Sileo, Domenico D. Bloisi, Francesco Pierri, Fabrizio Caccavale

Applications of collaborative robots based on artificial vision and machine learning for object manipulation, detection and grasping.

Prof.ssa Carmela Saturnino, Prof. Magnus Monn e dott.ssa Federica Giuzio

We show how phylogenetic analysis is useful for the initial screening of SARS-Cov-2 sequences to check for phylogenetic clusters.

Monitoraggio Ambiente Marino e Terrestre - Conservazione della Natura (MAGIAMARE - SIENA)

New deterrent devices to reduce interactions between sea turtles, dolphins and fisheries

Arrow Electronics guides innovation forward for over 180,000 leading technology manufacturers and service providers. With 2020 sales of $29 billion, Arrow de …
  J.1.21 (pav. J)

Fabrizio D'Eramo

ART-HOUSE CANDLE: creation of handmade wax objects, realized with antique methods and new technological machineries

LESIM Universit degli Studi del Sannio, STAKE Lab Universit del Molise, Regione Molise, DISC S.p.A., .ModaImpresa S.r.l., Consorzio Italia Cooperativa sociale

The ATTICUS project aims to realize a hardware and software system for monitoring non-invasive vitality and behavior of users.

  D.03 (pav. D)

Classe 3 A indirizzo informatica Anno Scolastico 2020-2021

Autodome company has decided to create sunshade panel able to diffuse sunlight by filtering UV rays. The prototypewas made with the support of external companies. Problems/Opportunities The panel was created with the intention of letting the sun's rays pass and retaining UV rays, creating an area of soft light. Our panel is efficient, innovative and has no direct competitors on the market.


paperPino (Giuseppe Civitarese)

From a sheet of paper to a marvelous machine: the fabulous world of paper automata

  J.T.12 (pav. J)

Roberto Mancin - UNIPD

UniPD PER MAKE TO CARE I recenti sviluppi nella robotica (v. anche Referenze) e nella realt aumentata stanno aprendo orizzonti sempre pi vasti nell'ambito dell'inclusione di persone con disabilit: il presente progetto mira a realizzare una forma di telepresenza immersiva non pi unicamente riabilitativa, ma anche didattica e ricreativa, che, sfruttando apparati di registrazione audio e video dotati di sensori per il movimento, permetta a chi impossibilitato negli spostamenti di esplorare qualsiasi luogo come di persona (v. Allegato), anche "viaggiando" in diretta nella storia dei luoghi, superando i limiti di uno streaming operatore-dipendente e una concezione statica e museale della storia.


IVB art. Elettrotecnica ITI "A. Russo" Nicotera (VV)

When altruism and technological skills meet the needs of the less fortunate, the result is guaranteed! Being warned in advance of obstacles and knowing the extent of the difference in height to be tackled are fundamental functions to feel freer!

Data updated on 2024-09-12 - 11.47.44 am
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