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Sviluppo Campania

System’s Academies of the Polo Tecnologico di San Giovanni in Teduccio

sviluppo campania

Polo Universitario di San Giovanni in Teduccio of Federico II University in Naples, in addition to the Scuola Politecnica e delle Scienze di Base, a highly specialized technological hub has developed in just a few years. A privileged and specialized place on digital skills,  a system of Academies, in which participate: Apple (Apple Developer Academy), Deloitte (DIGITA Digital Transformation&Industry Innovation Academy), CESMA (Center for Advanced Metrological Services)Intesa Sanpaolo Innovation Center, STRESS (Distretto ad Alta Tecnologia per le Costruzioni Sostenibili), DATTILO (Distretto ad Alta Tecnologia dei Trasporti e della Logistica), Materias (Early Stage Combined Accelerator), the Cisco Digital Transformation Lab. AXA (Matrix Risk Management), the incubator Campania New Steel, the Innovation hub of Ferrovie dello Stato.

Best practice from the European Commission, between the main interventions of urban regeneration realized thanks to the integrated participation of the European Union and Campania Region, that it has invested approximately 94 million euros with resources of the European Fund of Regional Development (FESR)The European Social Fund (ESF) and national resources (POC) have implemented a complex integrated project, both for the physical redevelopment of spaces and for the production of advanced training for technological innovation.