Espositori 2019

Humans and robots: a symbiotic future

Humans and robots: a symbiotic future

Vieni a scoprire la scienza alla base del movimento umano con il tuo nuovo compagno robot. Ad ogni passo che facciamo, perdiamo un po' di energia ogni volta che il nostro tallone colpisce il terreno. Quindi dobbiamo aggiungere energia per compensare questa perdita di energia. I nostri robot superano questa perdita di energia attraverso il movimento del tronco, controllato da te! Quindi il corpo del robot (e anche il nostro!) si sposta semplicemente sulla gamba a terra, proprio come un pendolo rovesciato. Vieni a giocare con i nostri robot, testali su un terreno piatto e irregolare e scopri come camminiamo!

Humans and robots: a symbiotic future

Ingenuity Labs Research Institute

The Ingenuity Labs Research Institute is a collaborative research initiative at Queen’s University focused on creating intelligent systems and robotic machines that enhance human productivity, safety, performance, and quality of life. Our expertise spans a continuum—from artificial intelligence, machine learning, and cyber-human systems, to robot control, smart sensors, and mechatronic devices. Through creativity, collaboration, and invention, our researchers strive to facilitate the complex interactions between humans, engineered machines and infrastructure, as well as their natural and social environments. Ingenuity Labs brings together researchers from across the engineering disciplines, and beyond, in order to foster innovative research, education, collaborations and partnerships with industry, communities, and the world.

Dr. Amy Wu will be leading the team representing Ingenuity Labs at MakerFaire Rome. Dr. Wu is an assistant professor in the Department of Mechanical and Materials Engineering at Queen’s University. She is the head of the Biomechanics x Robotics Laboratory. Her research interests are at the intersection of human biomechanics and robotics with the aim of building better assistive technologies.

  C17 (pav. 9)
Dati aggiornati il 13/05/2024 - 11.24.21