Espositori 2019

Self-balancing mobile robot
Self-balancing mobile robot

Self-balancing mobile robot

Questo progetto consiste nella progettazione e nello sviluppodi un robot mobile due ruote auto-bilanciante. Funziona secondo il principio di un pendolo invertito, che è intrinsecamente instabile e richiede un controllo costante. Il controller si basa sul microcontroller Arduino che fornisce la guida e la stabilizzazione del robot su diversi terreni. Il microcontroller converte i valori dei sensori analogici in valori digitali, quindi calcola e genera un accurato segnale PWM per guidare i motori.
Bosnia And Herzegovina

Self-balancing mobile robot

Jasmin Velagic, Anes Šero, Amel Alicic, Dinko Osmankovic

Jasmin Velagić is a professor of robotics and mechatronics at the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Sarajevo and head of the Department of Automatic Control and Electronics. He received a MSc degree from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering and Computing, University of Zagreb, Croatia in 1999 and a Ph.D. degree from the Faculty of Electrical Engineering, University of Sarajevo, in 2005. His research is mainly focuses on intelligent control, mobile robotics, industrial automation, adaptive and robust control. He has published over 100 papers in journals, book chapters and conference proceedings. Over the last past years my research group (LARAS) has developed several mobile robot platforms and multirotor systems as well as a series of inovative techniques for the robot localization, path planning and 3D modelling of outdoor environments.

  B28 (pav. 9)
Dati aggiornati il 13/05/2024 - 11.24.21