Espositori 2021

Magnet Fight

Magnet Fight

A table-top game that uses magnetic force for guarateed fun. Charged with dynamics, speed, competition, skills and team play! It can be played by 2, 3, 4 or 6 players, individual or team vs team. A game with more than just one mode to play. Excellent for adults, indoors or outdoors, kids, friends or just as a competitive and fun pause in office. Take the magnet and feel the charge!

Magnet Fight

Arsen Ivaniševi?, Matej Jelovi?, Ante Matuli?, Ivan Gu?

Arsen Ivaniševi?, MD, born in Split, Croatia, 1989. Orthopaedic specialist in Clinical Hospital Split. Fluent in English and Spanish. One of the fCo-ounders and designers of Magnet Fight with speciality in 3D desing and 3D printing. Co-founder of the game Picigol, a variant of localy played game in Split Picigin.

Dati aggiornati il 16/07/2024 - 06.36.03