Espositori 2021

Beyoond - Easy AI for your business

Beyoond - Easy AI for your business

BEYOOND is the first Italian cloud-based and multi-purpose platform for self-service AI for SMEs, offered in SaaS mode. The platform, actually under development, is the result of the experience acquired by HPA in the creation of advanced analytics custom solutions (predictive analysis, anomaly detection, forecasting, image recognition, optimization) for companies of all sizes, in heterogeneous industrial sectors (energy, manufacturing, trading, real estate, physical security, e-commerce).

Beyoond - Easy AI for your business

Stefano Di Persio, Luca Di Persio

Stefano Di Persio is an entrepreneur with +20 years of experience in the digital field. After an initial career in the ICT, he founded one of the first Italian digital agencies taking care of projects worth a million euros. In 2017 he decided to create HPA to democratize the use of AI among SMEs.

Luca Di Persio is Associate (hab. as full) Professor of Probability and Statistics at Verona University, member of the UniVr-UniTn Mathematics Doctoral College and UniVr-Data Science MSc College, responsible for international seminars and conferences, author of over 100 scientific articles.

  B.24 (pav. B)
Dati aggiornati il 16/07/2024 - 06.20.55