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Maker Faire Rome 2021, Main Stage chronicles | Unicredit Start Lab

Lots of projects, high-level protagonists, but also the great themes of innovation. On the Main Stage, the beating heart of Maker Faire Rome, this morning there was also talk of startups. Sabrina Boifava, from UniCredit Start Lab, the initiative created to support young entrepreneurs, innovation and new technologies, spoke on the panel entitled “Unicredit Start Lab for young businesses”. “UniCredit Start Lab is Unicredit’s business platform,” explained Boifava, who recalled how Unicredit’s interest in innovation and innovators dates back many years ago “to unsuspected times, when the term startup in Italy” was not at all widespread. The programme is aimed at innovative startups from all sectors with a programme that consists of numerous actions to empower business ideas, including the award of a cash prize, mentoring activities, network development, advanced managerial training and ad hoc banking services. “The Unicredit project is the development of another project: Talento delle Idee, which dates back to 2009, then became Unicredit Start Lab in 2014.” There are currently 400 startups in the initiative’s portfolio.

Sabrina Boifava, Unicredit Start Lab

Programme. The startups that Unicredit Start Lab is looking for “are linked to sustainability, Made in Italy (food, fashion, design, tourism, but also robotics and industry), IoT, software and smart cities”. Boifava recalled the annual call for start-ups, the announcement through which innovative projects can apply. “Once the projects have been selected – about ten – they will begin their journey”, which aims to help start-ups to do business, connect projects with large companies and innovation professionals (“at the moment we have about 60 mentors”).


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