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Unlike traditional ECG devices, it is small, long-lasting, and completely open source.

A wearable device with reduced dimensions, which is long-lasting and open-source that measures an electrocardiogram under stress or during any activity. This pioneering idea was conceived by ​​Ultimate Robotics and resulted in the creation of uECG, which will be present at  Maker Faire Rome – the European Edition 2019, the world-famous innovative technology fair that will be held from 18 to 20 October at the Fiera di Roma.

A wearable device that can measure electrocardiograms (ECGs) and stress levels
The wearable device that can measure electrocardiograms (ECGs) and stress levels

With a duration of nine hours and negligible dimensions 54.56 inches (63x22mm), this instrument is able to measure an electrocardiogram and an individual’s stress levels during any physical activity (by analyzing the variation of BPM and RR intervals), and then sending the raw data to a smartphone or a computer for the subsequent processing and analysis phases.

 Image of a medical electrocardiogram
Image of a medical electrocardiogram

Furthermore, uECG is an open-source tool, intended for developers and doctors who can use it, modify it, and freely replicate it.