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The research project from Policlinico Gemelli IRCCS on display at Maker Faire Rome pav. 6 “RESEARCH” until October 22


Policlinico Gemelli was founded on July 10, 1964 by Istituto Toniolo di Studi Superiori and Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore. Home to the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery, it is one of the largest private non-profit hospitals in Europe and a place where everyday teaching, innovative research, care and assistance activities interact for the benefit of the community, to offer all patients – adults and children – access to the best available therapies.

Since August 1, 2015, it has assumed the legal form of a Foundation and since 2018 the status of Istituto di Ricovero e Cura a Carattere Scientifico (IRCCS) for the disciplines “Personalized Medicine” and “Innovative Biotechnologies”.

The Research and Innovation activity carried out within Fondazione Policlinico Universitario Agostino Gemelli IRCCS, together with the Faculty of Medicine and Surgery of Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore is an essential condition for the development and continuous improvement of the quality of health services and has a fundamental function on a par with that of assistance and training.

The mission of the IRCCS is to align modern therapeutic opportunities with the innovative progress of scientific research, identifying “the right treatment for the right patient, at the right time”

The projects of Policninico Gemelli at MFR2023

At the eleventh edition, Policlinico Gemelli will present the following Projects within Pavilion 6 “RESEARCH”:


You are how you eat. Introducing an innovative tool for creating personalized chewing patterns, crucial for digestion and overall well-being. Gain insights into your chewing style, optimizing your health

The aim of this project is to underline the fundamental role of chewing for our general well-being and for efficient digestion of food. Through the use of “Chewing”, an innovative device, it is possible to obtain individual chewing patterns to improve health and eating habits.

REACT – Heartbeat Dynamics Monitor

VO2 is a commonly used index to notify users about their fitness level, which cannot provide accurate assessments when measured with wearable devices, due to the low quantity and quality of recorded data. To overcome this problem, we developed REACT, a biosignal processing method based on artificial intelligence algorithms, to characterize real-time heart rate dynamics while providing a personalized tool to support training and reducing cardiovascular risk.

NEUROSCENT: Objective Olfactory Assessment through Machine Learning based Classification of Electroencefalograpich Measurements

NEUROSCENT is a device for objective olfactory assessment using Ml-based classification of EEG measurements. EEG signals acquired through a wearable EEG device are transmitted wirelessly for real-time analysis. Deep learning models like CNNs and RNNs extract features from EEG signals, training a classification model to differentiate olfactory responses. NEUROSCENT provides quantifiable, real-time assessment, aiding in healthcare, food industry, and environmental monitoring.

SKID – Skin care detector: a tool for personalized cosmetics

Skin is the organ responsible for protecting us from external agents (i.e. radiation or pollutants) whose state of health can be maintained using specific cosmetics. Characterizing the skin biotype is complex and expensive, and therefore the type and effectiveness of cosmetics are individually evaluated empirically. We have therefore created SKID, a tool which, by analyzing the light emitted by the skin, is able to detect quantitatively, quickly, and at low cost its functional characteristics, identifying the skin biotype and following its modifications over time.


The purpose of our presentation is to raise awareness of voice and hearing disorders and to make people aware of new technologies in the service of prevention and early diagnosis on a large scale.

LONGEVITY CHECK – UP (LOOK UP 7+) – Assessment of the 7 cardiovascular health metrics and muscle performance

The Longevity Checkup project (LOOK UP 7+) is a prevention initiative that consists of assessing, in subjects outside the hospital setting, the 7 cardiovascular health metrics (smoking, physical activity, nutritional status, BMI, blood pressure, total cholesterol and blood glucose – measured by capillary blood sampling) and muscle mass and performance (Hand Grip Test, Calf Circumference, Chair Stand Test).  Participants receive a ‘report’ assessing their lifestyle and tips about how to improve individual goals.

Get to know more by visiting Policlinico Gemelli IRCCS on FacebookLinkedIn, Instagram and on the website and seem them live at Maker Faire Rome until october 22, at Pad. 6 “Research”. Tickets on


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