After talking about the hackathon and the activities of the Future Food Zone, it’s time show you the videos of the startuppers who animated the Future Food Zone with their stands!
After a first part dedicated to the food waste field, let’s talk about three other startups that have fooled the visitors of the Future Food Zone with their alternative, healthy and sustainable offers, redefining food innovation as the main key to sociality! We are happy to tell you a bit about Crické, Chokkino, and SoLunch!
The food of the future that has displaced all visitors of our area! Let’s talk about Crické, a fantastic startup that produces pasta, crackers and much more by using cricket flour! Francesco Majno, co-founder, presented the project to #MFR18: “We want to introduce the dietary consumption of insects into the Western diet, which is still considered a taboo!“. Why the cricket flour? “They are excellent and highly nutritious foods! They contain 70% protein without even counting other vitamins, minerals and fats! “. Which was the product to pick more attention at the Faire? Cricket Crackers, tasty “normal” crackers made instead with … cricket flour!

You can watch the full interview done by the Social Reporters guys at this LINK!

A healthy alternative to traditional coffee? That is Chokkino! It’s an innovative beverage made of 100% cocoa water-based! Mirco Cesarini, one of the supporters of the idea, tells us: “The peculiarity lies in the cocoa powder which is rich in fibers, minerals and antioxidants”. Mirco, together with its collaborators, presented the innovative Chokkino Machine as “a machine able to preserve all the nutrients of cocoa“. There were many visitors to the Future Food Zone who tasted and enjoyed a chokkino that, as Mirco tells us “can be given to both kids and heart patient!“. Any wishes for the future? “We hope to introduce our idea to a wider audience and who knows… maybe then everyone will prefer a chokkino than a coffee!“
You can watch the full interview given to the guys at Social Reporters at this LINK!

SoLunch, one of the startups of our Food Makers dome, is a project considered as a pioneer of social eating! This smart and innovative idea gives everyone the opportunity to socialize during lunchtime, it works like a matching platform … but for food! “The platform allows people who are home during lunch time to cook for those who can’t spend their lunchbreak home for working reasons” says Luisa Galbiati, founder of the project. Defined by visitors to our area as a “blablacar” of food, SoLunch “allows you to recover personal relationships, with an eye on the wallet!“. The main purpose of the project? Luisa ends her talk saying that using food as the main key to create networks and connections… “a sort of generative welfare!”
To watch the full interview done by the Social Reporters guys, click on this LINK!
Last but not least, we are pleased to announce that Funghi Espresso was not the only idea to get the attention of the bigs of television: “La Vita In Diretta” also met Joseph Puglisi, one of the supporters of the fantastic project Beyond Meat. What is it about? A hamburger that has the same taste, smell and consistency of the normal meat but… “it’s made of peas, it’s like eating a natural hamburger!” Says Joseph. The product has recently debuted in Italy in the WellDone Burgers menu, a chain of hamburgeries. Why would we choose the Beyond burger? “It’s very tasty, sustainable and healthy!” Concludes Joseph for his interview with “La Vita In Diretta“!
Watch the complete video by clicking at this LINK!

We remind you that you can relive all the moments of the Future Food Zone in the videos of our Facebook page to this LINK and also that you can find a corner dedicated to food makers at Scuderia Future Food Urban Coolab in Bologna. That’s all from Future Food for this year. See you at the next edition of the biggest Show&Tell in the world!