The countdown for Maker Faire Rome has started! Are you ready to discover our special area dedicated to food at the biggest Show & Tell of Europe?

Future Food Institute comes back for its third consecutive year as a partner of Maker Faire Rome, the biggest Show & Tell of Europe! 2018 is a year rich in novelty, big startups and innovative ideas regarding the future of food presented with a new face. In fact, the Future Food Zone arrives at MFR18, an area that represents the soul of “food revolution”, related to food and technology as a motor for change and as a key instrument for making a more healthy and sustainable world. An animated area of innovative startups, events and laboratories, where to discuss subjects that concern the future of agri food, circular economy, the safeguard of oceans and ecosystems, the new professions related to food, the relation with nutrition and health, and between food and neuroscience.
How will the Future Food Zone will look like? Here it is!
They are showcase laboratories (in a dome format) where diverse makers, experts and startups that have been collaborating with Future Food Institute will lead the visitors of Maker Faire through a trip that talks about the relationship between man-environment, man-oceans, man-science and man-technology through the link with food.
All labs’ ground will be Future Food Culture, an education-nourished space dedicated to Future Food world, the relationship between men and culture and its declinations in food sectors. Beisdes, it will be a connection point for all of the domes themes and for informations, suggestions and ideas in innovation ecosystem.
Green Life Lab
In 2050 almost 70% of the world’s population will be living in cities, and the most urgent problem is: how can we get back the harmony between man and nature? With solutions that, thanks to stimulating and innovating technologies, can discover different aspects of life and even the sense of the ecosystem around. From this necessity Green Life Lab is born, the place where ecology and sustainability evolutionate in a new form of authentic contact with the natural ecosystem.
The startups that will be participating are:
- Music of the plants: startup that experiments with the energy of plants thanks to an instrument capable of perceiving their electric variations and transforming them into music!
- Tower Garden: a vertical aeroponic farm system which consists in the cultivation of 20 vegetables, herbs, fruits and flowers in less than 3 meters square, on the inside or outside;
- Beeing: innovative developed products that are used for simplifying apiculture practices available to everyone, by giving professional apicultures and amateurs digital instruments
- Plantui: a Smart Garden that allows to obtain fresh herbs, healthy aromatic herbs and lettuces without using soil. The automatic and patented system guarantees an easy and efficient gardening thanks to its special lighting spectrum.
Everyday at 15.30 there will be a workshop dedicated to vertical agriculture system and how, new technologies could help us build vertical agriculture systems at home, at school and at the office.

Ocean Lab
The oceans are a source of life for the Planet, a common good of mankind, as they are the “house” for millions of species and an economic resource for thousands of people. The oceans of the world – their temperature, their chemical composition, their currents and their life – influence the global system that gives back to the Earth, a habitable place for humans. The water from the rain, the water that we drink, the weather, the climate, our costs, even most of our food are definitely elements that influence the air we breath and that are regulated by the sea. Plastic, chemical residuals and a scarce attention to the management of sea life, are seriously threatening this essential source of nutrients for humans and for the Planet, this has inspired the realization of Dome – Ocean Lab, which presents some innovative solutions for the management of our resources for a sustainable future.
From the startups of the sector there will be:
- Aquaai: startup that offers the monitoring with the biomeasurement of data for the safeguarding of marine species;
- Atlantic Leather: a tannery from Island, leader in the production of exotic skins made from different fishes, beyond the traditional preservation of sheepskin. The fishleather is a product that comes from three diverse species of fishes: salmon, Persian fish and codfish with a vast gamma of colors and finishing;
- Kerecis: the technology of Kerecis, known as Kerecis Omega3, uses the fish’s skin intact, rich in polyunsaturated fats available in nature;
- Ankra: startup that creates products for the treatment of skin from ingredients 100% natural, only from Islandia’s oceans;
- Icelandic Startups: an incubator that takes care of accelerating islandese business startups, connecting them with experts, investors and developed hubs.
Every day at 4.00 pm there will be a workshop with our experts who will show you the best solutions related to the Ocean world.
Food Alchemist Lab
New drinks with super-curative and personalized powers created by microbiologists, chefs and experts in toxicology and nutrition. Our professionals will experiment old traditions of fermentation and the application of neurosciences in order to show us how food impacts not only our body, but also our emotions. All of this is the Food Alchemist Lab Dome, where people will experience themselves the connection between science and food but also between tradition and innovation.
In this area the speakers will present:
- Thimus: an italian startup who brings neuroscience outside the laboratories with the purpose of comprehending a brand’s experience impact to the human body.The experiences that Thimus will measure will not only be natural, but also (and specially) to the ones related to the company and business world;
- ShiliaoBo: brand born thanks to José de la Rosa and Francesco Dell’onze, Food Alchemist and Agronomist of the Future Food Institute, where everything is dedicated to the new frontiers of fermentation. Project developed at Scuderia, a food innovation hub of the Future Food Institute.

Every day will be dedicated to different thematic talks. Instead, on Saturday October 13th at 4 pm, there will be a workshop dedicated to the introduction of nutraceuticals through the SHILIAO.BO Ecosystem, directed by our experts José De La Rosa Morón and Francesco dell’Onze. Moreover, on Friday October 12th at 2.30 pm, the Neuro Food Lab will show how technologies can analyze the waves emitted naturally from our brain, among which for example Alpha waves, those that indicate the presence of positive thoughts, of serenity and liking: depending on the cerebral area in which they are detected, it is possible to acknowledge what emotions have been experienced in our brain.
Food Makers Lab
Food innovation means, among other things, how new technologies change the way of cooking raw materials, the shape in which food is transformed and becomes a graphic concept to be presented on our dishes, and the way to approach food through new technologies. This is a perfect Dome to discover all the news in the hi-tech field and to enjoy all the innovations about food that will be soon in our kitchen.
Here there will be:
- Beyond Meat: a real worldwide protein revolution through a vegan hamburger 100% made with alternative proteins of vegetable origin. Beyond Burger is a hamburger that has the same taste and texture of a meat burger. Beyond Meat’s purpose is to create a “no meat” burger with the same aspect, smell and consistency of a cow’s meat burger.
- Renewal Mill: Did you know that 40% of the food produced around the world is not consumed? Renewal Mill is an american startup with a 100% sustainable philosophy with the objective of recycling food waste, saving water and reducing harmful emissions. Do you want to leave a better world? With Renewal Mill its possible!
- Nima: Nima is a portable dispositive that allows people to test their food in order to know if it contains gluten, an innovative product that allows consumers to truly know their food. Nima believes that a meal moment should be pleasurable and with good company, without the preoccupation of eating toxic or allergenic components.
- Ripples: The Ripple Maker is a revolutionary printer that prints beautiful high definition images and messages on the foam of beverages like coffee or cocktails.
- PancakeBot: is the first food printer, able to print pancakes by directly placing the dough on a hot pan. The pancake models or images can be uploaded to the PancakeBot through a SD card.
- SoLunch: a digital platform that allows people that work to have contact with each other, book and eat in a private house during lunch. A foodsharing never seen before!
- ValueGo/Penelope: ValueGo is the new integrated system of tracking and guaranteeing the origin of the process of companies for the consumers who want transparency of the products they buy;
- ViPorto: is the new Social Network who puts in direct contact the small and medium agriculture producers with the final consumer, sensible to quality, genuinity and safety of food products;
- Waste2Value: is a product born from reusing food waste of a commercial center (like coffee filters or orange skins) in optimum conditions to be used in another way.
Everyday at 2.30 pm there will be a show cooking workshop, in which our experts will experiments with food technologies and tradition, considering food as a new area of development.

There are other projects presented inside the domes, which explore their creations on a series of stands presented at the Future Food Zone! These are some participations:
- Agricolus: a startup that creates solutions for supporting the introduction of advanced technology for agriculture. Their mission is to optimize the agriculture practices by supporting farmers and operators from the agricole world with Agritech instruments, accessible and easy to use;
- Authentico: an app that analyzes gastronomic products by reading the code bar and verifying their italian provenance;
- Chokkino: a natural drink, an alternative for the traditional coffee, composed only of water and cacao. The cacao in this products contains 400 biologically active molecules which make this product highly beneficial and nutritious;
- Crické: produces and commercializes new food products based on insects – healthy, tasty and highly sustainable. With Crické the traditional mediterranean gastronomy works with a new ingredient, healthy and versatile: cricket’s flour;
- D’Adone: startup that has created a particular topology of a vegetable dice made by recycling the unused parts of vegetables during the industrial food process;
- Dotfarm: an innovative talking startup, produces and works with digital optic. It researches and experiments with human interaction technology;
- Funghi Espresso: a startup with the purpose of producing fresh fungi in a sustainable and natural way by using the leftover of coffee filters from local bars and restaurants so it can be used as a substrate for cultivation;
- Hands on Food: a startup that is creating the first kitchen wearable which gives food artisans a dispositive for measuring the evolution of the workflow, by helping to organize and monitor the operations to be completed in the space of the preparation of dishes;
- HotBoxFood: the most advanced dispositive in the world for delivering hot food at home. Thanks to its temperature system, it allows to carry hot food and beverages during the transportation stage from the restaurant to the customer’s house!
- MioBio: an electrodomestic for biological cultivation, allows indoor cultivation with the help of a system that guarantees irrigation, ventilation and illumination automatically;
- Music of the plants: startup that experiments with the energy of plants thanks to an instrument capable of perceiving their electric variations and transforming them into music!
- ReGenius Loci: born with the idea of bringing back a city’s nature through an innovative cultivation hydroponic system. Through this type of cultivation is possible to produce vegetables, fishes and crustaceans with zero impact and with a reduced water consumption;
- Wenda: a unique and simple platform for the support of business decisions for tracking the integrity of food and beverages in the supply chain;
- XFarm: a platform that helps farmers to manage their own farms by improving the data management in an easy and intuitive way.
This year the Future Food will host the biggest Show & Tell of the world with a series of panels with international speakers from all over the world. The 10 panels are these ones:
- Hack Food 4 Climate Change Opening Conference (Hackathon area in the Future Food Zone): The Future Food Zone’s conference introduces the “Hack Food For Climate Change” Hackathon, a real challenge with the main purpose of innovating and finding best practices for the revaluation and reduction of food waste. The participants will be Tim West (True West Ventures and Food Hackathon San Francisco), Claudia Laricchia (Climate Reality Project,Future Food Institute), Massimiliano Ventimiglia (Onde Alte), Francesco Malaguti (CAMST), Paola Fiore (Eticambiente), Giovanni Lococo (Climate Reality Project), Federico Andreotti (Wageningen University), Nataly Guataquira Sarmiento (Climate Reality Project, Systemic and Sustainable Designer) and Mariarosaria Lombardi (Università degli Studi di Foggia and VaZapp).
- Future of Proteins (Room 4, Pav. 4): the future of proteins presents diverse developments. After a scene where meat is in constant rise as well as the intense methods that continue to increase gas emissions in the atmosphere, there are food leaders and organizations that are focused on new solutions, they propose virtuous models and innovative trends for the market’s evolution. The protagonists of this panel will be Anusha Murthy (Edible Issues), Joseph Puglisi (Beyond Meat), Antonio Idà (Spireat) and José de la Rosa (Future Food Institute).
- Food Makers (Room 4, Pav. 4): Edible Innovations, professionals with the goal of improving the worldwide food system, from production to distribution, from consumption to shopping. In this panel we will explore food trends from makers! With Evan Weinstein and Miguel Valenzuela (PancakeBot), Simeon Pertekonsky (Aquaai), Rodrigo García González (Ohoo!), and Claire Schlemme (Renewal Mill) as protagonists.
- Ocean (Room 4, Pav. 4): even if environmental problems seem overwhelming, there are still people with the mission of saving the world. From sustainable alimentation to the recycling of food waste, whatever they can do for our “Blue Planet”. Here’s the speakers in this this topic: Gunnsteinn Björnsson (Atlantic leather), Guðmundur Fertram Sigurjonsson (Kerecis), Kristin Yr Pétursdóttir (Ankra), Liané Thompson (Aquaai) and Ingi Björn Sigurðsson (Future Food Iceland Ambassador and Icelandic Startup)

- Food Care (Room 4, Pav. 4): technology is evolving globally in the food market, always efficient and personalized. Food is always part of a sensorial experience and consumers are always interested in food and health. Is necessary, and for this reason professionists follow food trends in an innovative way and that are in line with the consumer’s exigences. Three experts in this topic are: Sara Roversi (Future Food Institute), Tim West (True West Venture), Simone Gozzi (CAMST), Francesco Marandino (ValueGo/Penelope) and Monica Cipriani (Nima)
- Agro-Innovation in Smart Cities (Room 4, Pav. 4): more than the 50% of the world’s population live in a city; this number will increase to 66% by 2050. The main problem is to offer healthy and sustainable food.
- Many are the projects and novelties that are revolutionizing the farm sector, but is also necessary that organizations get involved and find solutions. This speakers talk about it: Renato Reggiani (BioPic), Michela Di Nuzzo (DotFarm), Benjamin Canning Growing North), and Linesh Pillai (UGF Farms);
- Agriculture, environment and innovation: travelling through Italy (Room 6, Pav. 6): young farmers that revolutionize the agricole sector with a university research that captures images and numbers of the water of our country. In Italy the focus in agriculture and the environment is becoming a relevant topic and many are the projects that are confronting it. Their common ground? Remaining loyal to their country of origin for the creation of innovation. This are the speakers that will talk about it: Antonio Vaccariello (DeAgricoltura), Mariarosaria Lombardi (Università di Foggia), Daniele Giustozzi and Claudia Carotenuto (Controcorrente), Claudia Laricchia (Climate Reality Project, Future Food Institute), Stefano Ruggero (head of one of the 18 G7 simulation projects by MIUR), Pino Coletti (Authentico), Rossana Torri (Open Agri) and Raffaele Maiorano (president of Anga-Giovani di Confagricoltura and vice president of GFAR);
- Future Food For Climate Change (Room 4, Pav. 4): nowadays one third of the food in the world goes to waste. This is a problem of harvesting, storing, packaging, transport, infrastructure or market mechanisms, from both institutional and legal sectors. Organizations must apply more sustainable practices. Fortunately there are diverse international entities that are contributing by giving life to solutions that can be implemented and integrated. The speakers are: Claudia Laricchia (Climate Reality Project, Future Food Institute), Paola Fiore (Eticambiente), Federico Andreotti (Wageningen University), Giovanni Lococo (Climate Reality Project) and Andrea Carapellese (UNIDO ITPO Italy),;
- Food Innovation is a Global Mission (Room 4, Pav. 4): Food Innovation Global Mission (a Mission that Future Food Institute organizes every year for the Food Innovation Program researchers) had started with the press conference on April 10th in Rome at Innova Camera, and as promised, a preview of the research results and stories of the most exciting Food Makers met during the tour will be introduced at Maker Faire Rome, one of its main project partners. 60 days around the world and 12 cities hub of food innovation, 4 major research topics (scalable sustainability, the future of food service, agroinnovation in smart cities and future of proteins) narrated in an hour by the 15 moderated international researchers by Matteo Vignoli, the Director of the Program.
- Food Revolution starts at school (Room 4, Pav. 4): food is the essential instrument for breaking walls and exploring new cultures, at the same time food education is a preventive instrument. Starting with a laboratory with technology, sensors, species, 3d printed greenhouses, they can explore the world, experiment with a circular economy prototype by using the waste and giving it anew life. Through science and chemistry they can discover the potential of food and learn the basic principles for transforming food into a “cure”. The speakers of this panel are: Christopher Paige (UHN), Miguel Valenzuela and Evan Weinstein (PancakeBot), Eric Cheung Chun Lam (Dyelicious), Claudia Iamundo (Semi di Futuro), Angela Sofia Lombardo (Malpighi Lab) and Mattia Grillini (CAMST).

For the consecutive third year, on Saturday and on Sunday from 2.30 pm, there will be a creative animation lab for children, so they can make experiments by using performative arts and can learn about food and healthy alimentation from the field to the table, but overall discovering together how starting from our alimentation we can fight back climate change. All the activities will be cured by Gruppo Jobel, founded in Rome in 2000. This group has already got partnerships (MIBACT and international Culture Institutes). Gruppo Jobel has a very important aim: realizing and promote social solidarity and educational projects, paying the most of their attention to social disadvantages issues.
HACKATHON – Hack Food 4 Climate Change
The Future Food, strong from its experience with other 20 hackathons organized around the world, proposes inside Maker Faire Rome an event in collaboration with MIUR. A hackathon that will unite students in a creative 3 days marathon that will stimulate entrepreneurship, team work, the capacity of prototyping and validating an idea with the objective of sensibilizing the new generations regarding Food and Climate Change topics, by creating new solutions.
What are we gonna eat in Future Food Zone? Future food, of course! Istituto Alberghiero di Rieti will create in this area the Restaurant from the Future, an innovative gastronomy concept all based on new nutrition frontiers: they’ll also tell solutions for food waste issues, they’ll pay attention to food nutraceutical peculiarities but they will especially make experiments using never-seen materials and textures, thanks to the incredible 3D printers technologies!
And this is only a taste of what you will see inside the Future Food Zone! We hope to see you on from the 12 to the 14 of October in Rome!