Make the most out of your visit to Maker Faire Rome with our suggestions
The organizers have put together a few suggestions to help you make the most out of your visit, stay safe and enjoy an amazing venue
Maker Faire Rome, the most important European event dedicated to innovation, promoted and organised by the Chamber of Commerce of Rome, is back again this year (for the ninth edition), with the novelty of reopening to the public.
The event is scheduled from 8 to 10 October, in the Gazometro Ostiense (entrance in via del Commercio 9-11, Rome): more than 12 hectares in which 240 exhibition spaces will feature innovative ideas, prototypes and projects. The Gazometro is a conceptual and visual symbol of the desire to innovate, transform and grow. The event will kick off with the Opening Conference, scheduled for 7 October.
The 2021 theme is Fast Forward – The Future In The Making: how can makers, designers, entrepreneurs, innovators and citizens play a role in shaping the future? This and other questions will be answered by international speakers and experts.
From the day after, the fair opens its doors, including virtual ones. This year it is possible to participate both in person and remotely.
In addition to complying with the current anti-Covid 19 regulations, in order to participate in presence it is necessary to purchase the different types of entrance tickets: this can be done HERE. It is not possible to purchase tickets on the spot. The ticket is nominative and non-transferable, at the time of purchase you must enter the data of the final user of the ticket.
Maker Faire Rome 2021 will be open to the public on Friday 8, Saturday 9 and Sunday 10 October 2021 from 10am to 7pm. Entrance is allowed until 6 pm.
Entrance times. To facilitate the flow of visitors into the spaces of the event, time slots have been set aside for entry. At the time of purchase you can choose the time from which you are allowed to enter from among the available times.

You must present your Green Pass when you enter Maker Faire Rome. HERE is the info to receive it. We suggest you keep it on your mobile phone to make it easier to check in. However, paper passes will also be accepted. At the entrance there will be a temperature monitoring station. If the temperature exceeds 37.5°, visitors will not be able to enter the exhibition grounds. At the checkpoint, visitors will also be asked to show a valid identity document. Visitors who fail to show their Green Pass, ID and named entry ticket will not be allowed entry and no refund will be given.
The use of a mask is compulsory in all areas of the event. Please note that, in accordance with the regulations issued to contain the COVID-19 epidemiological emergency, access to individual indoor spaces is subject to the capacity available at the time of arrival. For any other doubt, find HERE all due info
Those who prefer to follow the event remotely can do so by registering on the dedicated platform (all useful information is available HERE on the MFR 2021 portal).
Agritech, foodtech, digital manufacturing, robotics, artificial intelligence, mobility, circular economy, health, IoT, recycling, but also data science, design thinking, art and music: these are the main themes of the six sections of the Fair (Research, Fabrication, Arts, Health, Education, Life).
There are two main contests with which Maker Faire Rome intends to promote maker projects. The first is Make to Care, the Sanofi initiative dedicated to innovative solutions for the disabled. The other is MakeITCircular, the contest (organised by Innova Camera and the Consumers’ Associations of the Consiglio Nazionale Consumatori e Utenti) that promotes the Circular Consumption Charter and the values of recycling, reuse and co-design.
Maker Faire Rome – The European Edition has been committed since eight editions to make innovation accessible and usable to all, with the aim of not leaving anyone behind. Its blog is always updated and full of opportunities and inspiration for makers, makers, startups, SMEs and all the curious ones who wish to enrich their knowledge and expand their business, in Italy and abroad.
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