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Maker Faire Rome 2021, starring projects | Startup

Paolo Orneli, Councillor for Economic Development for the Regione Lazio, made this very clear during the presentation of the ninth edition of Maker Faire Rome 2021. “Maker Faire is increasingly consolidating itself as an extraordinary opportunity to grow an ecosystem of innovators, makers, startups, businesses, research centers, and universities. That’s right, startups. We’ve chosen some of the protagonists at the Innovators’ Fair.




Airport Support Luggage is an electrically powered, self-contained trolley that can be positioned at the airport entrance and used by passengers to transport their luggage. By reading the Q-code on the airline ticket, the device is able to reach the baggage drop desk for boarding. It was developed by Mirella Tissi, Roman Manole, Lorenzo Aquilani, Lorenzo Rapiti, Alessandro Carofano, Riccardo Tranfa and Carrus Noemi, students at ITT “Da Vinci” Viterbo, who also designed a version of the device that can be used to transport people with motor disabilities to the aircraft. 



Blink is a project that enables a disabled tetraplegic to use a computer by blinking his eyes. Emanuele La Rosa and Angelo Giuseppe Ruotolo are its designers. Blink is software designed to allow a user with a particular disability to use a computer by blinking his or her eyes. Through the use of neural networks, it recognises the blinking of the user’s eyelids, who can give commands to the computer to move the mouse, click, drag windows and write.

Komposta, la cappa da cucina innovativa


Komposta is an innovative cooker hood that can dehydrate food or turn food waste into compost, using heat from the hob. It was developed by Rithema, startup founded and led by Alfonso Coppola. Komposta is an innovative cooker hood that can dehydrate food or transform food waste into compost, using heat from the hob. Thanks to thermoventilation, dehydration takes place in just a few hours, completely eliminating the problem of unpleasant odours and obtaining a dry product or top quality pre-compost after 24 hours. This process is stimulated by the automatic rotation of an internal perforated container, fundamental for complete aeration and easily removable and washable. In the absence of heat from the hob, Komposta activates automatic thermoventilation cycles at low power, ensuring the correct finalisation of the process.




MAMBO (which stands for Motor Additive Manufacturing BOat) aims to be the world’s first 3D-printed fibreglass boat. It is an idea of Moi Composites, a spin-off of the Politecnico di Milano, which highlights new ways of understanding the design and production of boats that were previously impossible to achieve. MAMBO was made using a patented 3D printing technology called Continuous Fiber Manufacturing (CFM), a truly innovative system that, thanks to the use of robots guided by generative algorithms, makes it possible to 3D print unidirectional composite materials with mechanical performance and formal freedom that were unthinkable until now. MAMBO is 6.5 metres long, has a maximum beam of 2.5 metres, weighs 800 kg and is equipped with a nippy 115 hp outboard, a navigation system, cork decks and white leather sofas. 

Underwater Internet of Things: sensing and robotic platforms for future autonomous offshore operations


WSense is an Italian high-tech company developing cutting-edge technologies in the field of wireless networks for offshore, enabling secure underwater wireless communications and robot networks for future autonomous submarine systems. It operates in the following markets: environmental monitoring, energy, aquaculture and critical infrastructure protection.




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Maker Faire Rome – The European Edition has been committed since nine editions to make innovation accessible and usable to all, with the aim of not leaving anyone behind. Its blog is always updated and full of opportunities and inspiration for makers, makers, startups, SMEs and all the curious ones who wish to enrich their knowledge and expand their business, in Italy and abroad.


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