This difficult year 2020 may have confined us within our homes, but it has also confronted us with new and unprecedented challenges. We want to leave this year with a new awareness of what “collaboration” means.
It is true for everyone, but even more so in the world of makers, innovators, and those who transform their ideas (sometimes their dreams) into real projects.
Maker Faire Rome 2020, a very special, all-digital edition, will start right here.
Famous and less famous names from the world of innovation will share with us their dreams, projects and innovations, but above all their thoughts for the future.
In a two-hour trip from Stanford to Kenya, we will move from robotics to artificial intelligence, from fashion and design to the circular economy and sustainability. A journey that will also focus on how involved and supportive makers have been during the pandemic with their selflessness, their drive to take action and their creativity. So many ideas to put into circulation, with that makers spirit that has always inspired us. Anyone can connect for free with their smartphone, tablet or PC, wherever they are.
In this case, losing the material proximity of Maker Faire Rome is not about losing contact; it’s about breaking down distances.
Oussama Khatib and Bernie Roth from Stanford will guide us through the world of robotics, making and design. With Anouk Wipprecht we will delve into fashion tech and wearable technologies, while with Barbara Caputo we will explore the themes of artificial intelligence.
There will also be a special area under the title “Maker’s Response” dedicated to the experiences of Italian, African and American makers throughout these months of the pandemic: inventions and activities to combat the disease and help improve health and safety systems.
In short, good ideas turned into facts just when they are needed.
And as always, we will start off our journey with Massimo Banzi, founder of Arduino.
Speaker opening conference
Luigi DI MAIO- Italian Minister for Foreign Affairs and International Cooperation
Gaetano MANFREDI – Italian Minister of University and Scientific Research
Massimo BANZI – Co-Founder – Arduino
Enrico BASSI- Coordinator – Opendot Fab Lab
Barbara CAPUTO – Professor – Politecnico di Torino and First Researcher – Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia
Gui CAVALCANTI- Founder & Co-Executive Director – Open Source Medical Supplies
Antonio COSIMATI – Maker
Martina FERRACANE – Makers Sicilia
Cristian FRACASSI – CEO – Isinnova
Oussama KHATIB – Professor of Computer Science and Director of the Robotics Laboratory – Stanford University
June MADETE- Biomedical Engineer, researcher in bioengineering and a senior lecturer – Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya
Davide MARIANI- Co-Founder and Maker – Studio 5T
Fidel Makatia OMUSILIBWA- Student of BSc Electrical and Electronics Engineering – Kenyatta University, Nairobi, Kenya
Bernie ROTH – Rodney H. Adams Professor of Engineering, co-Founder and Academic Director of – Stanford University – Author of “The Achievement Habit”
Jeffery D. SACHS – Director of the Center for Sustainable Development – Columbia University
Anouk WIPPRECHT – Scientific Innovator and Artist
Francesca ZARRI – Director Technology, R&D & Digital – Eni
Presented by Riccardo Luna