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quality of life and independency for the visually impaired

Research never stops working to make life easier for the disabled and their caregiver. Have a solution? Apply to Make to Care.


For visually impaired people – and in general all those who live with a disability – the development of technology can lead to an enormous improvement in the quality of life, especially in terms of daily independence.

Several projects, such as Eyeglasses with facial recognition for Visual impairment‘, created by a team of developers from Brazil, has precisely this purpose.

Partially sighted person I photo:

These are smart glasses specifically designed to help people with low vision move easily and safely. Equipped with a Raspberry Pi 3 B, they use a high resolution 4.0 camera to recognize objects and faces, and an ultrasonic sensor to detect obstacles. The latter is intended to monitor the distance of the nearest object, activating a warning signal if the person is about to inadvertently collide with it.

Prototype of glasses I photo:


The device will not be isolated, but in constant contact with the internet and also with healthcare professionals, to become an emergency device for localization if necessary.

The code, written with Python 3, is designed for the future implementation of artificial intelligence, which will make it no longer necessary to manually set the various objects that the glasses will have to recognize, but will look for them directly on the network.

Wishing to you the challenge of developing solution for the disabled? 

Apply to Make to Care! Make to Care is a contest promoted by Sanofi Genzyme, Specialty Care division of Sanofi. Sanofi Genzyme is specifically providing solutions for rare diseases, multiple sclerosis, oncology and immunology. Make to Care wants to celebrate and support initiatives and projects arising from the cleverness and passion of the Maker community.

Make to Care, since 2016, aimes at bringing out and facilitating the creation and growth of innovative and useful solutions to meet the real needs of people with any form of disability, meant as any marked decrease in quality of life due to pathologies and / or traumatic events.

The participation to the contest is open to all those who have been able to grasp a concrete need, directing their talent and proposing an innovative solution. 

Find more info and the application process here. Deadline for submission is July 15th.


Maker Faire Rome – The European Edition has been committed since eight editions to make innovation accessible and usable to all, with the aim of not leaving anyone behind. Its blog is always updated and full of opportunities and inspiration for makers, makers, startups, SMEs and all the curious ones who wish to enrich their knowledge and expand their business, in Italy and abroad.

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