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For the first time, Maker Faire Rome will also feature an “Art” section

This year the Maker Faire – The European Edition will launch the new section entirrely decated to art. Curated by Valentino Catricalà, it will feature over 25 artists from all over the world.

Why art?

Art is a grand engine for raising awareness and for making an analysis of the vast changes that characterise our time. In particular, art that uses technology is not only important today for the world of culture, but for society in general. For over fifty years, artists have been experimenting, assembling and inventing new technologies. Their purpose is never the invention of technology in and of itself, but as a way to express their vision through technological experimentation, in this way, producing innovation.

An ever increasing number of artists now work in research centres and scientific departments, collaborating with engineers and technicians; at the same time, an  increasing number of tech companies involve artists in their design and production processes.

There are many themes touched on by artists who use technology and that Maker Art proposes: in particular, environmental sustainability, global warming, the relationship between man and nature, communication design and human-machine interaction.

We live in an age of great environmental, climatic and technological changes, an age of anxiety for the future and for our present: art can help us finding our way in this very complex universe. 

Some of the artists that will be host by Maker Art are already well known in italy, some other are relatively new to our audience and their attendance will be a “one of a kind” experience. Think of the works of Joaquin Fargas and his robot for a poetic act towards environmental sustainability; or the hysterical machines of Bill Vorn; the πton of Cod.Act; the relationship between technology- man-nature of the works of Donato Piccolo; the interactive works for the production of music by Achim Wollsheid; for the first time in Italy, the Grass Roller by Mattia Casalegno, a system of estrangement to allowing the person to be submerged by nature; just to mention a few. 


Check the list, make yourself comfortable with the idea of being guided through the present and the future in a completely unusual way, from a new perspective; get your ticket now (Early Bird available till September 1st!) and bookmark Maker Art in your agenda. 

Looking forward to meeting you there!



Get to know more about “Maker Art”, here!

Curious? Now get your Maker Faire Rome discounted ticket here