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DG Connect AT Maker Faire Rome to present a new startup funding program

Maker Faire Rome is the flagship European edition of Maker Faire, greatest show (and tell) on Earth – a showcase of invention, creativity and resourcefulness. Its mission is to place the city of Rome at the centre of the debate on innovation, by spreading the digital culture and developing the individual and collective entrepreneurship that is so integral to the maker movement’s genetic makeup, fostering new business creation and boosting entrepreneurship opportunities.

Maker Faire Rome – the European Edition  is also co-organizer of he European Maker Week on behalf of Startup Europe. For this reason, DG Connect and Startup Europe choose Maker Faire Rome as the hub from which to spread the news about an upcoming Call.


The challenge is to scale up innovative businesses across the EU, detect high potential innovations and support innovators in going to market. Actions under this heading reinforce the Startup Europe and link to the activities of the European Innovation Council in a complementary way by targeting exclusively ICT innovators.

Scope is to increase connectedness among members of deep-tech startup ecosystems and their companies (startups and scaleups) and to the larger European business ecosystem seeking maximum synergies; to open access to customers, private and public, better access to qualified employees, access to the right combination of finance and prospects for scaling up across border;  to stimulate European investments in deep-tech digital sectors through increasing the number of cross-border investments; demonstrate sustainability of proposed actions beyond the life of the project.


The event, organized in collaboration with Roma Startup and Innova – Startup Europe Ambassador – will be held at Maker Faire Rome on Friday October 12th from 14.30 to 16.30.

The meeting will be the opportunity to illustrate the new call proposed by the DG Connect (European Commission) for the build up of tech hubs in the continent. Participants will also have the opportunity to listen to the successful experiences of European guest speakers and evaluate the possibility of joining forces when applying to one or more of the upcoming initiatives.


  • Gianmarco Carnovale: President at Roma StartUp, serial entrepreneur, Startup Advisor and Mentor, Business Angel. Gianmarco is co-founder and CEO of Scuter, mobility solutions startup based on innovative electric scooters designed for sharing. 
  • Massimiliano Dragoni: Senior Policy Official at DG Connect – EU Commission. In this over twenty years at the European commission Massimiliano has primarily been working in the Research, Development and Innovation policy and programming.
  • Christina Oelke: Director of CUBE Berlin and coordinator of Access2Europe
  • Paul Stefanut: Director of OpticsValley, coordinator of ScaleUP2EU
  • Aleardo Furlani: Startup Europe Ambassador, CEO of INNOVA

Participants are expected to belong to the local, national and European startup ecosystems. Also European Maker Week Ambassadors from some of the best performing countries are expected to join.

While the goal of the event is to announce the calls and further explain how it will work, the expected outcomes of the participation of DG Connect to MFR18 will stretch well beyond the specific day of each event: while each community will determine the exact outcome of its own participation, Maker Faire Rome will spur the development of partnerships and programs within participants in order to have lasting impacts on the different local towns and cities across Europe.


FIera di Roma  – Friday October 12th – PAD 10, room 20 “LIVIA”


About Roma Startup – The association of local ecosystem of startup enablers and accelerators, Roma Startup is a non-profit organization with scope of networking, promotion and lobbying to catalyse in the area of Rome the Italian and Mediterranean hub for growing innovative startup. The membership is open to any enabler, accelerator, provider – with a proven track record – who has established activities in Rome, or who’s willing to I @romastartup
About Innova – INNOVA, certified incubator and ambassador of the European initiative Startup Europe, will contribute to the event by bringing its direct experience in support of startups in the local ecosystem of the Lazio region and within the European action ‘WeP-UP’ which aims to facilitate learning processes between European startup ecosystems. By leveraging its twenty-year experience in research, development and innovation initiatives supported by the European Commission, INNOVA will take action to build cross-border partnerships on the technology verticals of the call, in particular on Deep Tech (innovative and frontier technologies in the fields of engineering, medicine, chemistry), which represent the technological focus of its activity in support of startups.
About Startup Europe –The Startup Europe Team works with entrepreneurs connecting them with the European ecosystem where talent, investment and learning can be easily captured. We believe Europe’s growth is going to be determined by savvy startups, and we want to support the growth of these startups. | @startupEU
About DG CONNECT –The Directorate-General for Communications, Networks, Content and Technology is the Commission department responsible to develop a digital single market to generate smart, sustainable and inclusive growth in Europe
About Maker Faire Rome  –The greatest Maker Faire after the Bay Area. Maker Faire Rome is a celebration of innovation, open to all forms of applied creativity where startups and innovators are invited to participate to show their sense of creative entrepreneurship. It’s an event created to cater to curious participants of all ages, wishing to experience first-hand the makers’ inventions. Inventions that are the result of a desire to solve everyday problems, whether big or small. The watchwords of the Maker Faire Rome are: meeting, exchange, training, entertainment and interaction. At #MFR18 innovation is made available to everyone. | @MakerFaireRome



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