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Cultural Heritage? What is it and why at #MFR19

Cultural Heritage is an expression of the ways of living developed by a community and passed on throgh generations 

How could Maker Faire Rome avoid including it? 

Cultural Heritage is often expressed as either Intangible or Tangible.

Being part of human activity, it produces tangible representations also of the value systems, beliefs, traditions and lifestyles.

As an essential part of culture as a whole, it contains these visible and tangible traces form antiquity to the recent past. 
Therefore, it is a wide concept. We prefer to concentrate on the similarities between the various heritage sectors, instead of on their differences.

Cultural Heritage types

They can be distinguished in: 

  • Built Environment (Buildings, Townscapes, Archaeological remains)
  • Natural Environment (Rural landscapes, Coasts and shorelines,  Agricultural heritage)
  • Artefacts (Books & Documents, Objects, Pictures)

Driving force behind all definitions of Cultural Heritage is: 
       it is a human creation intended to inform (John Feather, 2006).

Tangible & Intangable Heritage

In fact, the concept has gradually come to include even more new categories.

So, today, we find that heritage is not only manifested through tangible forms such as artefacts, buildings or landscapes but also through intangible forms.

Intangible heritage, as a matter of facts, includes voices, values, traditions, oral history.

Acrually, this is perceived through cuisine, clothing, forms of shelter, traditional skills and technologies, religious ceremonies, performing arts, storytelling.

Today, in fact,  we consider the tangible heritage inextricably bound up with the intangible heritage. In conservation projects we aim to preserve both the tangible as well as the intangible heritage.

Heritage Cycle

Cultural Heritage-Cycle-gif
Cultural Heritage-Cycle-gif


The Heritage Cycle diagram gives us an idea how we can make the past part of our future. In a clockwise direction the wedges and arrows read:

  •  understanding (cultural heritage): people value it 
  •  valuing it: people want to care for it
  •  caring for it it will help people enjoy it
  • From enjoying it comes a thirst to understand 


This year at #MFR19 an entire section will be dedicated to Art and Cultural Heritage together with the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage and Activities

Come visit all the projects and exhibitors. Tickets are now on sale



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