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Maker Faire Rome, Europe’s greatest innovation event is now happening in december

Mark it on the agenda: Maker Faire Rome is the place to be next winter. Onsite? Online? We can’t tell you yet. Surely though, it will be “onlife”.


Maker Faire Rome


True to be told, the situation is still uncertain: will we be able to physically meet? Maybe. Maybe not. Perhaps. we will be required to go fully digital.

This is the reason why “onlife” is the definition that best fits the upcoming 8th edition of Maker Faire Rome.

In fact, “Onlife” has become our daily routine these days; a vital, relational, social & communicative, economic dimension, which is the result of a continuous interaction between the previous “analogically” lifestyle and the full digital one we have been called to experimenting during this pandemic times. “Everything will be fine” is the mantra we have been repeating ourselves for weeks, as a sort of collective chant to ward off fear and bring hope (let’s be honest: somehow even regretting the routine we were used to “before”)

10 – 13 December: yes, one extra day 

When, eventually, the emergency will be over and we will be free to get back to some kind of “normality”, we will also be able to experience Maker Faire Rome once more.

The dates are set: 10 – 13 December 2020. Yes, you’re right: one day more than usual. That’s because a full, extra PRO Day will be added to the agenda. The idea is to add a “purely b2b” day, featuring dedicated content and sessions; thus, to offer any-size business and brands a valuable chance to restart at their best after this odd times.

As usual, the Opening Conference will be held on the day before, December 9th 2020.

What if…

…the situation won’t allow for any physical gathering? Then Maker Faire Rome will move online and we will offer you a fully digital format, equally surprising and entertaining that won’t let you regret the one you used to know. A great team of curators and organisers are already evaluating many interesting ideas so to ensure a cutting-edge visiting experience, thanks to a mix of brand new content and tools specifically designed to this purpose.

Maker Faire Rome – The European Edition 2020 features a curatorial team coordinated by Alessandro Ranellucci together with its co-founder Massimo Banzi as advisor.

Maker Faire Rome was created to satisfy an audience of onlookers of all ages who want to smell, learn, experience innovation “hands-on style” and to gather with innovators from Italy, Europe and beyond.  It is an amazing event – designed to turn the spotlight on hundreds of projects from all over the world capable of catapulting visitors into the future, but it also full platform – that widens both scenarios and results well beyond the time & space limits of the event and enables continuity of projects, relationships, business partner.

Maker Faire Rome doesn’t stop

As a matter of fact, during the lockdown we created the Maker Learn format, a schedule of training contents, insights and online appointments focusing on technology, innovation applied to all areas: sustainability, digital manufacturing, robotics, data, agritech, IoT, gaming, coding .

Courses, webinars and talks have been designed to meet the needs of its wide audience, from professionals to SMEs, from researchers to students and professors.

A full section is dedicated to kids and teens, and to their teachers and educators, to support their distance learning efforts. 

As a matter of fact, during the lockdown we created the Maker Learn format, a schedule of training contents, insights and online appointments focusing on technology, innovation applied to all areas: sustainability, digital manufacturing, robotics, data, agritech, IoT, gaming, coding .

Courses, webinars and talks are designed to meet the needs of all audiences who follow Maker Faire Rome: professionals, SMEs, researchers, students.

Furthermore, an entire section is also reserved to kids and teens to support them and their teachers in the challenges of the distance learning.

United against Covid-19

Maker Faire Rome has also launched a platform entirely dedicated to the healthcare and medical industry, TechForCare: a national-scale hub, with the aim of matching the demand and the offer of healthcare solutions during the emergency.

TechforCare abilitate those in charge, who are at the forefront of the fight against #COVID19 – doctors, healthcare professionals, local health authorities, etc – to launch their call for help,  and solution providers – such as makers, designers, tech companies, tech producers, etc – to be able to answer that call in the most effective manner.

The platform is backed by a team of designers, scientists, researchers, healthcare professionals that make sure the whole process – from idea generator to prototyping, from validation to official certification – runs smoothly and effectively..

Once the emergency will be over, TechforCare will stay as a repository of resources, solutions and ideas in order to organize the re-design our our new normality.

Maybe we can’t say yet where Maker Faire Rome 2020 is going to happen, if “onsite” or “online”, but we can surely say what’s already happening: we are close to you ❤

#MakerFaireRome2020 #MFR2020


Maker Faire Rome – The European Edition is always committed in making innovation accessible and usable to everyone with the aim of not leaving anyone behind . How? By offering contents and information in a blog that is always updated and full of opportunities for curious, makers, startups and companies who want to enrich their knowledge and expand their business, in Italy and abroad.

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