Exhibitors 2020

Vision-aided positioning for autonomous vehicles

Vision-aided positioning for autonomous vehicles

The upcoming transport revolution is dramatically increasing the positioning requirements. Global Navigation Satellite Systems (GNSSs) play a key role in vehicle localization but the impact of GNSS faults, signal degradation and external threats need to be considered. For this reason, we propose to integrate visual sensors with GNSS-based vehicle localization systems.
During the exposition, we will show an experimental setup composed of a video camera array, a stereo camera, a time of flight camera, and a LIDAR. How these sensors work, which type of data they provide and some preliminary results will be presented.


Università degli Studi Roma Tre

Baldoni Sara received her Bachelor degree in Electronics Engineering from Roma Tre University in 2016 and Master degree in Information and Communication Technology Engineering from Roma Tre University in 2018. From november 2018 she is a Ph.D. student in Applied Electronics at the Engineering Department of Roma Tre University. Her main research interests are in the area of Communication Security and Navigation and Localization Systems.

Brizzi Michele received the Laurea (B.Sc.) in Electronics Engineering and the Laurea Magistrale (M.Sc) in Information and Communication Technology Engineering from Roma Tre University in 2016 and 2018, respectively. Starting November 2018, he is a Ph.D. student in Applied Electronics at the Engineering Department of Roma Tre University. His main reasearch interests are in the area of multimedia signal processing.

Neri Alessandro received the Laurea Degree cum laude in Electronic Engineering from the University of Rome La Sapienza' in 1977. In 1987 he joined the INFOCOM Department of the University of RomeLa Sapienza' as Associate Professor. In November 1992 he joined the Electronic Engineering Department of the University of Roma TRE as Associate Professor in Electrical Communications, and became full professor in Telecommunications in September 2001.
Since December 2008, Prof. Neri is the President of the RadioLabs Consortium (Consorzio Università Industria - Laboratori di Radiocomunicazioni), a not-for-profit Research Center created in 2001 to promote tight cooperation on applied research programs between universities and industries.
His research activity has mainly been focused on Information Theory, Detection and Estimation Theory, Digital Signal Processing, and Image Processing and their applications to both telecommunications systems, navigation, and remote sensing including Navigation and Localization, Systems Mobile communications, Internet of Things, Communications Security, Machine intelligence, and Multimedia.

Data updated on 2024-07-16 - 11.22.13 am