Exhibitors 2016

Maker Faire Rome 2016: discover our makers, exhibitors and all the selected projects!

Il laboratorio Ceramic & Graphic di Marcella Renna, con sede in via Santa Croce 16/E a Bologna, è un luogo in cui l’antica arte della ceramica si unisce alla …
  B8 (pav. 8)

SkeMake - Skellefteå Makerspace
Low-cost, open source, make-it-yourself lightsabers made by creative makers from Skellefteå Makerspace through collaboration and co-creation.

Leonardo Notaro
The project consist to find and study new ways of seeing/projecting the natural light of a candle fire.

Alexande Shusmky
Innovative muscular electro-stimulator, for recovering/improving a grip movement. Costume made splint for FUNCTIONAL and MOTIVATING rehab! Designed to be managed independently!

Iliana Morelli
#MONTESSORI3D is a new perspective of education in order to divulgate Montessorian approach through the usage of low-cost tools

Skuola Network Srl
Born in 2000 on a high school desk. Today Skuola.net is the most acknowledged students’ representative at both the institutional and editorial level in Italy, …
  C5 (pav. 9)

Andreina Zene
(b) alla quinta: the seat that accompanies the growth of the child during school age

Fablab Torino
(S)passoUno is a DIY Live Stop Motion Tool heavily based on the work of Alexandre Quessy's ToonLoop (2009).

Beste Ozcan; Valerio Sperati; Tania Moretta; Gianluca Baldassarre; Simone Scaffaro; Alessandro Medda
+me is an interactive soft wearable device, animal shaped, that can help autistic children in developing their social skills.
  A33 (pav. 6)

Arnau Tàsies
1984 is a tracking device. It identifies a person and tracks the itinerary across the room while it uploads pictures to a facebook account.

1Sheeld allows you to use your smartphone as a multipurpose Arduino shield, with sensors, camera, internet, voice control and more.

Connect and share for smart mobility for everyone. 2Hire offers a bundle, hardware and software, to control and manage vehicles remotely

Davide Mulfari
The proposed aid exploits embedded systems and videoglasses to allow a blind person to understand the surrounding environment
  B44 (pav. 6)

We are a group of four italian experts (a physicist, an aerospace engineering student, a marketing manager and a designer) who have been following the developme …

Davide Tranchina
Clothes made in 3D via TPU filament (thermoplastic polyurethane), are clothes that are not to be ironed, light and unbreakable

Carlotta Vargiu, Aldo Vargiu
3D modeling and printing of plastic mould for create objects and home furnishings of trasparent epoxy resin

Andrea Belli , Davide Belli, Filippo Belli, Carlo Coletta, Emanuele Coletta, Ferdinando Miraglia,Paolo Miraglia, Emanuele Alfano
A real 3D pac robot man game in a real labirinth with a real phantoms printed in 3D

Todd Blatt
Mathematically inspired 3D printed jewelry, earrings and necklaces available for sale. Replica movie and TV props.

Fab LONDON: Fashion 3d printed shoes Fab London 20 Barden Road Tonbridge Kent London email: fablondon2016@gmail.com

Christoph Laimer
3d-printed brushless electrical motor with approximately 100W power and 70% efficiency. Copper wire, permanent magnets and shaft are not 3d-printable. in contrast to other 3d-printable motors this motor has enough power to drive for example an RC-car.

Christoph Laimer
A real working 3d-printed Watch with a 3d-printed Tourbillon and a 3d-printed Mainspring.

3D printer with double-axis and independent worktop. We can create two completely different objects, two identical objects, we can work on the same object with two or more colors, with two or more different materials.
  C27 (pav. 8)

Davide Tranchina
the tallest 3D print in the world using only 3d printer FDM. represent the burj khalifa tower 3m tall

cristiano vanzolini
A pair of haptic gloves and elbow bands for 3d virtual environment editing through touch.
  B46 (pav. 6)

Marco Ciccolini
the next generation action cam to capture every aspect

Inventori: Dott. Ing. Stefano Graziosi & Dott. Ing. Paolo Albi
A.R.G.O. 2.0 (robotic assistant on ordinary day) A.R.G.O. 2.0 is the personal assistant to do: - transporting of goods - following of targets - Interacting with the surrounding environment

Steampunk 99
Steampunk clothing created by our members using recycled materials, 3D printers and traditional moulds.

Acea is one of Italy’s leading multiutility companies. Listed on the Italian Stock Exchange since 1999, it manages and develops networks and services in the …

Classe 3CCH, Istituto Superiore Enrico Fermi, Mantova - Nome del gruppo: AE SPACE HERBS srl (impresa formativa simulata)
Our project is based on a new aeroponics system for cultivation of food plants, pharmaceutical or at high value-added plants.

Davide Balbi ed il Team di Agricoltura 2.0
Turnkey solutions for the Aquaponics out of soil cultivation with IoT.

a Lab in the AIR
3D CAD models, lego models and citizen engagement for a better local air quality.

Vagnoli, Carolina, CNR IBIMET, Italy Rocchi, Leandro, CNR IBIMET, Italy De Filippis Tiziana, CNR IBIMET, Italy Gualtieri Giovanni, CNR IBIMET, Italy Gioli Beniamino, CNR IBIMET, Italy Matese Alessandro, CNR IBIMET, Italy Rossini Graziella, CNR IBIMET, Ita
AirQino, Arfuino Shield compatible, integrated with low cost and high resolution sensors and data managed by an open SDI infrastructure
  A33 (pav. 6)

Alan Advantage leverages the multi disciplinary expertise of its open innovation network helping organizations in the public and private sectors innovate and …
  D18 (pav. 8)

Hermann-Tast-Schule Husum/Germany; Research & Technology class, year 9
A waterproof buoy which measures the concentration of algae in water. It will send text messages in case of dangerous concentrations.

Francesco Ippoliti, Riccardo Zorn, Vincenzo Padula, Chiara Bruni
Design with light. A highly interactive product, where you can trigger several light scenarios and stunning effects.

3D Artists
The Alligator Board is a complete and innovative electronic solution for 3D printers, suitable for makers and professionals IoT.

ALLNET.ITALIA is a Value-Added IT Distributor specialised in innovative IT solutions. It was founded in 2000 in Bologna, Italy. It has a strategic alliance with …

AMMILAB, laboratory of the Italian Mechanical Music Association, develops technologies to revive old mechanical musical instruments in a modern way.
  D26 (pav. 7)

Marco Rampin
The Switchinglow Project is an evaluation and development module to bring the AmpDiVa technology on the Maker's lab bench.

Giuseppe De Pietro, Mario Ciampi, Giovanna Sannino
Definition and realization of innovative tools and systems for supporting the processes of prevention, care, and empowerment of the citizen/patient
  A33 (pav. 6)

Angela Conte, Marco Guglielmi
AngelaConte and MG Design is the union of two concepts and two persons : craftsmanship , creativity Angela and technological innovation Marco . The set of two domains generate an intersection to form the LIGHT SERIES ; a bag and papillon with unique shapes with a touch of technology .
  A24 (pav. 8)

Il team di Apuana Corporate
A marble table turned into a big remote control thanks to IOT tecnologies: the result of the match between electronic engineers, designers and artisans.
  A47 (pav. 8)

Lorenzo Di Donato, Andrea Pompili, Andrea Spinetti
Low cost access to upper atmosphere, micro gravity and space
  D10 (pav. 5)

Arduino srl
Arduino S.r.L. is the world’s leading open-source software and hardware ecosystem. The Company offers IoT developers and Makers of all ages the ability to bui …
  A52 (pav. 8)

INFN - Italian National Institute for Nuclear Physics
The National Institute for Nuclear Physics (INFN) is the Italian research agency dedicated to the study of the fundamental constituents of matter and the laws t …
  A34 (pav. 6)

Francesco Salamone (corresponding author), Lorenzo Belussi, Ludovico Danza, Matteo Ghellere, Italo Meroni
Ardusolar: a solar energy-powered, wireless-based and 3D-printed control system for a forced circulation solar plant.
  A33 (pav. 6)

A simulated remote (Martian?) rover
  D23a (pav. 6)

Alessandra Antonetti, CEO; Eros Brienza, CTO
Aria is the first insole that can heat and cool the feet, ensuring a constant thermal comfort in every situation.

Eugenio Lodi, Riccardo Penco, Tommaso Rimoldi, Ambrogio Tacconi
Arluna is a lamp that hide the light by a “lid” that you can move just approaching a hand on the side of the lamp.

Fab Lab Olbia - Sirio Granuzza
ArmCam is an automated support to carry out 3D scanning of objects, in a fast and accurate way, with a camera.
  A18 (pav. 8)
Data updated on 2024-07-16 - 6.23.09 am