Exhibitors 2020



The panels, colored, easy and intuitive to use, are designed to capture the attention in transit areas, such as the corridors of schools, hospitals and residences for the elderly.
They work thanks to analogical mechanisms, combinable and customizable, which correspond to simple actions such as moving, touching, pressing, turning, etc., stimulating repeated actions that facilitate concentration, psychomotor exercise and coordination. The goal of the panels is to encourage concentration not on lost skills, but on those that you still have.


OpenDot + Ruggero Poi

OpenDot is a Fab Lab, a research and open innovation hub open and accessible to all. Founded in Milan in 2014 by the multidisciplinary design studio Dotdotdot, it is a space for innovation that is generated through research, experimentation and the use of new technologies, rapid prototyping and digital fabrication, in a collaborative and inclusive way.
OpenDot generates changes that find in open source and technological know-how opportunities for growth in educational, design and production level. Taking advantage of the strategic supervision of Dotdotdot, OpenDot offers consulting services to companies, foundations, universities, private and public corporations that want to innovate products and processes, developing co-design paths and training programs that generate a positive impact on people.

Data updated on 2024-07-16 - 10.20.56 am