Exhibitors 2020

Stand by me (but not too much)

Stand by me (but not too much)

In this school year, face-to-face lessons must ensure a distance of at least one meter between everyone present.
This distancing is difficult to respect especially for the little ones who may not understand the abstract concept of the meter of distance.
A wearable "gadget" clearly visually signals the reduction of the reciprocal distance below one meter.
The gadget's technology is based on an ESP32 IoT device that integrates a Bluetooth BLE.
When two devices are located at a distance of less than one meter, they visually / acoustically signal the dangerous situation.


Quinta C, indirizzo Informatica IIS Belluzzi Fioravanti Bologna

The members of the development team are the students Stefano Baldazzi, Dan Cernei, Filippo Cocchi, Alessio Ferri, Simone Giordani, Andrea Govoni, Rares Marchis, Davide Marsigli attending the 5C IT of IIS Belluzzi Fioravanti in Bologna coordinated by the teacher Michela Ciaralli with the collaboration of maker Duilio Peroni.

Data updated on 2024-07-16 - 11.47.38 am