Exhibitors 2020

JOiiNT LAB - Robotic Intelligence League Bergamo

JOiiNT LAB - Robotic Intelligence League Bergamo

JOiiNT LAB is a joint laboratory resulting from the partnership with some of the main innovation players in Bergamo, a highly industrial and technological province. The JOiiNT LAB is promoted by Intellimech, a consortium of companies aiming at fostering technology transfer and creating a synergy between the world of research and industrial needs, Confindustria Bergamo, a free, non-profit association of companies that plays a representative role of the industrial and tertiary enterprises of Bergamo and its province, Kilometro Rosso Innovation District, one of the places with the highest density of innovation at European level and the University of Bergamo. JOiiNT LAB core activities are in the fields of mechatronics, collaborative robotics, and wearable and immersive telepresence systems primarily for inspection and maintenance, and remote operations in hostile and difficult to reach workspaces. The JOiiNT LAB is located in the heart of the Kilometro Rosso Innovation District in Bergamo.


Consorzio Intellimech, Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT)

JOiiNT LAB is a joint laboratory between Istituto italiano di Tecnologia and Intellimech.

Fondazione Istituto Italiano di Tecnologia (IIT) is a scientific research center established by law in 2003 by the Italian Ministry of Education, University and Research and Ministry of Economy and Finance, in order to promote excellence in both basic and applied research and to facilitate the economic development at the national level. IIT scientific activities started in 2006, they are multidisciplinary and with a very strong approach to technology transfer. Currently, IIT is conducting its scientific activity over four strategic research domains: Robotics, Nanomaterials, Technologies for Life Science, and Computational Sciences. The main goal is to produce technologies that will have a positive impact on some important societal challenges, such as sustainability and the environment, healthcare, and aging society.
Intellimech is a consortium of 39 companies (in 2020), mainly from Lombardy, dedicated to research in the field of Mechatronics, including advanced electronic design, information technology, and ICT systems in general and mechanics, without limitation of application in industrial sectors. The objective is to develop R&D activities and interdisciplinary experimentation of pre-competitive technology platforms and the creation of prototypes for innovative applications. The Consortium provides technical assistance and consultancy services, supports the training of qualified personnel useful to the consortium and non-consortium member companies, and adopts an appropriate communication strategy, in particular in relation to the dissemination of technical-scientific news.

The JOiiNT LAB is promoted by KilometroRosso, Confindustria Bergamo and Università degli Studi di Bergamo.

Principal investigators - Antonio Bicchi, Manuel Catalano, Nikos Tsagarakis, Arash Ajoudani
Lab Managers - Francesca Negrello, Stefano Ierace

Data updated on 2024-07-16 - 11.39.03 am