Exhibitors 2020


Dai "microbi" soluzioni innovative per migliorare le catene alimentari.

Improving productivity, quality and sustainability of food chains using the microbiome, their genomes and the interactions they establish in a given environment is the goal of the SIMBA (Sustainable Innovation of MicroBiome Applications in Food System), in which ENEA and 22 other partners between European companies and research institutes participate. ENEA efforts are currently being made to select microbial strains with functions of promoting plant growth. The application as consortia will increase the productivity of corn, wheat, potato and tomato crops, while improving their defense and nutrient absorption capacity and production quality.


Annamaria Bevivino

Annamaria Bevivino is senior research scientist in ENEA and Head of the ENEA Laboratory for AgriFood Sustainability, Quality and Safety, Biotechnologies and Agriculture Division, Department for Sustainability. She's Professor of AgroFood Microbiology, Master's Degree in Food Science and Human Nutrition, University Campus Bio-Medico di Roma. She graduated with full marks and honour in 1987 in Biological Sciences at the University of Rome “La Sapienza”. In 2014, she obtained the National Scientific Qualification to function as Associate Professor in Genetics and Microbiology Sector 05/I1 (ASN 2012). She Her main research activity covered the following themes: i) Soil microbiology: soil microbial diversity; effects of land use and agricultural management on genetic and functional diversity of soil microbial communities; plant-microbe interactions; selection of plant-growth promoting rhizobacteria and biocontrol agents of fungal pathogens; ii) Environmental microbiology: microbial ecology; opportunistic pathogens in natural environment; iii) Food microbiology: molecular tools for food quality and safety; characterization of food-associated bacteria. She is Editor for PlosOne, and Frontiers in Microbiology and reviewers for several peer-reviewed journals. She authored more than 50 peer-reviewed published papers, with an h-index of 30 - https://scholar.google.it/citations?user=rYqXUDEAAAAJ&hl=it. Leader WP2 SIMBA Project: Improvement of PGPMs field applications efficacy and reproducibility https://simbaproject.eu/about/work-packages/ under grant agreement No. 818431.
Antonella Del Fiore, Food Technologist. She is permanent scientist at ENEA, since 2010. She graduated from University of Basilicata with a master degree in Food science and technology in 1998. In 2009, she graduated from Sapienza University of Rome with a PhD degree in Botanical sciences. Del Fiore has experience in Research activities related to the development of analytical methods for the detection of food spoilage microrganisms (altering and toxigenic mold, bacteria) in raw materials and products. She has also experience in Research activities related to the identification and quantification of biological and chemical components and quality markers of products and process. These expertise allowed her to monitor microbiological transformations in production, preservation and packaging processes and carry out the qualitative characterization of different foods. She is co-author of more than 20 peer-reviewed published papers. https://bioagro.sostenibilita.enea.it/people/antonella-fiore
Silvia Tabacchioni, Senior research scientist in Microbiology https://bioagro.sostenibilita.enea.it/people/silvia-tabacchioni
Ombretta Presenti, Political Science Degree. Researcher at ENEA. Since 2005 she has been involved into activities contextualizing research results into innovations that enable sustainble transitions of the agro-food system. Member of: i) “International biotechnologies working group” (2008-2009) of National Committee for Biosecurity, Biotechnology and Life Sciences (Italian Presidency of the Council of Ministers); ii) “Communication, Training and Technology Transfer” working groups of the Italian Technology Platform “Food for life”; iii) International Observatory of Social Theory on New Technologies and Sustainability, SOSTENIBILIA. She has been involved in several EU projects carrying out communication and dissemination activities and socio-economic surveys - using quantitative, qualitative and participatory methodologies- and developing participatory approaches including participatory planning, monitoring and evaluation.

Data updated on 2024-07-16 - 11.34.06 am