Exhibitors 2020

La diagnostica non invasiva per la sicurezza del costruito

La diagnostica non invasiva per la sicurezza del costruito

The initiative includes three demonstrations: the first concerns the tests on the materials, during the event will be carried out the penetrometric tests on mortar and timber (Resistograph). The second demonstrations concerns the dynamic monitoring, during the event triaxial accelerometers will be activated on a model, the recordings will allow to identify the variation of the principal frequencies. Finally, the use of the drone and "Structure from Motion" technique will return a 3D virtual model of an object starting from photographic acquisitions.


Università degli Studi Roma Tre

The Mobile Unit of the PRiSMa Lab, Proof testing and Research in Structures and Materials, Architecture Department, Roma Tre University, DTC - Lazio center of excellence - R5 network of laboratories - Structural analysis and consolidation, monitoring, detection and 3D modeling, is involved in diagnostic activity on monumental complex in Rome and in Italy, mainly in regions affected by recent earthquakes (Amatrice and Macerata). Silvia Santini, PhD, Scientific Responsible of PRiSMa, is Associate Professor of Structural Engineering and she is active in international and cooperation projects on structural assessment and protection of Cultural Heritage. Currently, as Member of the Teaching Board of the Rome Tre PhD - “Architecture: Innovation and Heritage” she is supervisor of Valerio Sabbatini, PhD student involved in the research on Integrated methodology for structural monitoring of historical constructions, in collaboration with the Building and Sites Department del Getty Conservation Institute nel Bagan Conservation Project, Myanmar. Silvia Santini is also responsible of ing. Claudio Sebastiani, already involved in the SISMI project - DTC_Lazio, currently researh fellow on the research for Safety and Conservation of Cultural Heritage. Carlo Baggio, senior professor, teacher of the Laboratorio di Costruzione dell’Architettura, currently member of teaching board of the international Master course in Restauro Architettonico e Recupero dei centri storici. He is expert in Cultural Heritage vulnerability and protection, and active in studies in cooperation with conservation staff. Giovanni Barco, graduated in Archaeology, is currently a PhD student at the Department of Humanities at RomaTre University with a project relating to medieval monastic structures on the Lepini Mountains (south of Rome) and collaborator of the PRiSMa Lab in the execution of insitu tests on historical and contemporary buildings. Finally, arch. Lorena Sguerri is the Technical Responsible of the PRiSMa Lab, PhD in Hystory of the Structural Engineering, and she is active in the research project on the non destructive diagnostic safety of existing buildings.

Data updated on 2024-07-16 - 11.56.29 am