Exhibitors 2020

Walking through the walls

Walking through the walls

Walking through the walls (video 40' VR 360 ° ambisonic) originates from an exploratory venture carried out by the artist and his team, namely a climb made across the north wall of an island in the Mediterranean Sea.
The intention is to challenge the digital navigator’s psychophysical endurance.
In this work the spectator becomes the protagonist of the climb, but he’s not given the possibility of controlling the progression. The player remains suspended between the sky and the sea on a rocky coast that geologically belongs to the African plate but politically to Europe. This virtual work generates meanings related to themes encompassing border geopolitics, manipulation of the information and the error intended as a gap between physical and altered reality.

The artwork Walking through the walls (40’ VR 360° ambisonic) by the artist Francesco Bertelé is the prelude of the project Hic sunt dracones - made in collaboration with the production house Recipient.Cc and curated by Chiara Pirozzi - part of the collection of the Madre Museum in Naples, and winner of the 4th edition of the Italian Council (2018), a competition conceived by the DGCC an organism of the Italian Ministry of Cultural Heritage, Activities and Tourism.

Climbers | Eros Scabbio, Remo Sorato - Video Production and Editing | MilkitFilm - Soundtrack | Bienoise - Sound Editing | Duccio Servi


Francesco Bertelé

In his work, practical experimentation merges with an ethics of empathic relationship between man and nature, crossing limits
and conceiving mergers.
He is the author of transmedia works that often result in environmental and interacting installations, capable of restoring a
complex experience, ranging from classical techniques to the latest digital technologies.
In his latest projects, he has analyzed the effects of the digital-virtual communication networks on the definition of the
collective imagination and its influences on the perception of reality.
Francesco Bertelé investigates the most urgent political and social processes, giving back with his poetics visionary works as a
result from the synthesis between collective data and personal exercise.
F.B has been working in synergy with a network of professionals for several years, through a mutual methodology of collective intelligence, as an example is the work presented at Maker Faire developed with recipient.cc.

He is the artistic director of a2410.it, a cultural bivouac created to exist under the most extreme conditions and it is
designed in terms of environmental sustainability.

Data updated on 2024-07-16 - 11.31.34 am