Exhibitors 2020

Open Data Ricostruzione

Open Data Ricostruzione

Open Data Ricostruzione is a Web based platform with the complete information on the budget invested in the reconstruction process after the earthquake of April 6, 2009. Official datasets, updated every three moths, are published in four categories: emergency, private estate reconstruction, public estate reconstruction, economic development.
-All searches are Geo-referenced on an interactive map developed with the use of drones and satellites data.
-Single building data.
-All payments tagged with amount, beneficiary and causal transfer.
-Details on workers employed.


Gran Sasso Science Institute

The Gran Sasso Science Institute's Centre for Urban Informatics and Modelling (CUIM) hosts, fosters, and promotes applied research projects bringing together different research areas. The CUIM focuses in particular on L’Aquila conceived as an ‘experimental field’. By adopting a truly multidisciplinary approach, the CUIM research involves all GSSI scientific areas on different levels: (i) continuous (big) data collection and management (ii) dedicated design of apparatuses to perform specific measurements, (iii) data analysis, modelling and theoretical study. The CUIM concept also aims at providing a wealth of information through web-based
platforms, freely available and easily organized, to be understood as an open workspace not only for academic researchers but also for citizens and the media, and pursuing the choice to deliver knowledge as a ‘public good’ that can be used on both local and national levels in the policy decision process.

Roberto Aloisio is Full Professor of Theoretical Astroparticle Physics at the Gran Sasso Science Institute in L'Aquila and coordinator of the Center for Urban Informatics and Modeling.

Data updated on 2024-07-16 - 11.33.30 am