Exhibitors 2020



MASBEDO project a sequence of images generated at the moment on multiple screens: the performance is totally improvised and becomes the genesis of a video work. The work, in fact, develops by building itself under the gaze of the visitors, thus allowing them to be witnesses of a creative process. Objects and photographs accumulated on tables represent a static universe that comes to life thanks to the gestures, filmic and musical action of the artists. This a-setting implies that the artists choose to rely on the dictates of insecurity, the latter among the most important topics of contemporary times, staging risk and error, elements generally considered disturbing and unsightly.



“The two artists have worked together since 1999, focusing on video art and installations. They express themselves through the language of video, in different forms such as performance, theater, installation, photography and recently cinema. In Italy they are recognized among the most important video artists and innovators in the field of contemporary art. Their artistic research has focused on the theme of incommunicability, highlighting the paradox of our communication society. This has led them to produce very intimate pieces alongside work with a greater anthropological, social, and political feel. They strive to engage their audience by using the moving image as an immersive installation. MASBEDO have also worked with video-performances to engage their audience within the creative space and gestures created by the video itself.”

MASBEDO is an artistic duo composed by Nicolò Massazza (1973) and Iacopo Bedogni (1970).
Their artworks were exhibited in main contemporary art museums, biennals and institutions worldwide:
2020 - OGR Torino 2019 - ICA Foundation, Milan 2018 - MAMM Multimedia Art Museum Moscow, Manifesta12 Palermo, Kunstlaboratorium Vestfossen Oslo, Centre Pompidou/Forum des Immages Paris, Haus der Kulturen der Welt Berlin 2017 - Marta Herford 2016 - Museum of Contemporary Art Zagreb, Blickle Foundation Stuttgart 2015 - MART Rovereto, Art Basel Film Hong Kong Arts Centre 2014 - Fondazione Merz Turin 2013 - MAMBA Museo de Arte Moderno de Buenos Aires 2012 - Castello di Rivoli Museo d’Arte Contemporanea Turin 2011 - Art Unlimited Basel, OK Offenes Kulturhaus Linz, EMAF European Media Art Festival Osnabrück 2010 - Center for Contemporary Art Ujazdowsky Castle Warsaw, CAAM Centro Atlántico de Arte Moderno Las Palmas 2009 - 53. Esposizione Internazionale d’Arte la Biennale di Venezia 2007 - Centro per l’Arte Contemporanea Luigi Pecci Prato, Tel Aviv Museum of Art 2006 - CCCB Centre de Cultura Contemporània de Barcelona, DA2 Domus Artium 02 Salamanca

Data updated on 2024-07-16 - 11.47.12 am